Ein Team von drei IMTEK-Professoren hat ab 1. Mai die Geschäftsführung und wissenschaftliche Leitung des Instituts für Mikro- und Informationstechnik der Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft (HSG-IMIT) in Villingen-Schwenningen übernommen.
From May 1 – 4, 2005, the Micromachine Summit took place in Dallas, Texas. The German Country report was delivered by Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle.
On April 1, 2005, Dr. Peter Koltay – a former group leader at the laboratory for MEMS Applications – together with partners established the new start-up company BioFluidix.
On April 13 at 11:15 Prof. Wereley will give a guest lecture on "Flow Diagnostics for Micro/Nano Device Characterization" (building 101, 2nd floor)
Dr. Emmanuel Delamarche from IBM Research Laboratory of Zurich gives a guest lecture on April 12 at 11 c.t. (building 101; room 02-016/18, 2nd floor)
Der Mikrosystemtechnik Standort Deutschland präsentiert sich von 10.-12. Oktober 2005 im Konzerthaus Freiburg.
The 19th IEEE International MEMS conference will take place from January 22 - 26, 2006 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Das vom Land Baden-Württemberg geförderte „Bio-Disk“ Projekt wurde von der „Association for Laboratory Automation (ALA)“ aus insgesamt 400 Einreichungen unter die Top10 Innovationen der diesjährigen „Lab Automation“ gewählt.
The Lab for MEMS Applications explored Upper Bavaria during their annual Lab-Tour in July 2004. The tour included rafting on the river Isar, hiking to the Jochberg as well as a brief introduction to the most important Bavarian beer gardens.
Springer released the first Call for Papers for the new journal "Microfluics and Nanofluidics". The journal is edited by Prof. Dongqing Li (University of Toronto; Editor-in-chief) and Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle (IMTEK; European Editor)
The Laboratory for MEMS Applications at IMTEK together with partners from HSG-IMIT, Cranfield Biotech Center and Yole Développement investigated markets for microfluidic technologies in the life sciences. The result is available as the FlowMap report.
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