Company excursion to Bosch

25 students of the Faculty of Engineering immerse themselves in the world of MEMS

The interest in the company excursion to Bosch Mobility Electronics (ME) und Bosch Sensortec (BST) was overwhelming. All the places were taken within just two hours of the invitation being published, and new registrations continued to arrive right up to the last day, so that in the end there were 90 interested people. On June 14, 2024, 25 lucky students had the opportunity to visit Bosch in Reutlingen. This excursion offered our Bachelor, Master and PhD students a great opportunity to gain an insight into a company and prepare for their future careers. The students were accompanied by Svenja Andresen and Kerstin Steiger-Merx.

The visit to Bosch Mobility Electronics in Reutlingen began with a warm welcome including pretzels and coffee, followed by two specialist presentations about the company. Dr. Simon Armbruster (Robert Bosch GmbH, Mobility Electronics - Head of New Business, Strategy and Product Management) presented the Bosch Group, the semiconductor location Reutlingen and the unique expertise. Bosch covers all functions in the field of MEMS - from development to front-end and back-end production to sales. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Northemann (Robert Bosch GmbH, Mobility Electronics - Sensors, Engineering Advanced Development - System Design and Simulation) emphasized that MEMS is a multi-domain engineering challenge that requires a wide range of skills in interdisciplinary teams and thus offers a variety of career opportunities. 

Dr. Gerhard Lammel, Director System Architecture, at Bosch Sensortec GmbH, a leading global supplier of sensor solutions based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in consumer electronics, encouraged the students to work in an interdisciplinary and creative way in order to see their own developments in various applications in the future. We then visited the Bosch Semiconductor Center, which produces more than four million sensors a day and is one of the leading semiconductor companies in Europe.

We continued our excursion by bus to Kusterdingen, where we were served delicious pizza in the BST showroom. We explored the fascinating world of Bosch Sensortec and marveled at the latest gadgets and sensors. A tour of the laboratory gave us an insight into the company's innovative work.

Samuel Zinn (Human Resources, BST) gave a presentation on career prospects at Bosch Sensortec, such as internships, working student jobs and various programs for graduates.

Many thanks to all participants and to Bosch Sensortec for this exciting and informative day! Special thanks to Niklas Thiedecke (Engineering System Architecture Inertial Sensors, BST) and Simone Löffler (Product Management Sensors, ME) for the organization!


Kerstin Steiger-Merx
Representative PR/Marketing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8056

Svenja Andresen
Career Services
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-97940