A rocky road towards the optimal prosthesis?
[Translate to English:] Art work by Kader Attia (Photo: A. Dulaunoy)
Which legal and ethical aspects should be considered when optimally fitting a prosthesis? The authors investigated this question in a new study as part of the BMBF-funded project INOPRO (Intelligent Orthotics and Prosthetics). The result is an informative article in the societies journal that summarizes social and ethical factors as well as the current legal and logistical processes in prosthetic care in Germany. The authors also formulate recommendations on the form in which knowledge from the social sciences should be incorporated into research and the processes of prosthetic care in the health system.
The article is available online here: https://www.mdpi.com/2075-4698/10/1/10.
Baumann, M., Frank, D., Kulla, L. & Stieglitz, T. (2020) Obstacles to Prosthetic Care – Legal and Ethical Aspects of Access to Upper and Lower Limb Prosthetics in Germany and the Improvement of Prosthetic Care from a Social Perspective. Societies, 10 (1), doi.org/10.3390/soc10010010
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