Advanced nanolithography for particle tracking published in Advanced Functional Materials
Researchers of the laboratory of Nanotechnology have published one of the cover articles in the journal Advanced Functional Materials.
[Translate to English:] Back cover of Advanced Functional Materials
The article describes the combination of advanced nanolithographic processes and piezoelectric materials on wafer scale. The methods are based on phase shift lithography (PSL) and atomic layer deposition based spacer lithography (ASL). Extremely high spatial resolution force position arrays which are able to track the position of micro- or nanometer sized objects are achieved by these methods.
K. Subannajui, A. Menzel, F. Güder, Y. Yang, K. Schumann, X. Lu, M. Zacharias, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23, 191-197.
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201370009
Read the abstact of the article on the publisher's website.
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