University of Freiburg postpones the start of the semester
Photo: Sandra Meyndt
Freiburg, Mar 26, 2020
Due to the corona epidemic, the lecture period for the 2020 summer semester at the University of Freiburg will not begin until May 11, 2020, resulting in a three-week postponement. In direct consultation between the Rectorate and the deans of all faculties, the University’s decision is a result of the interruption of study activities from March 16 to April 19, 2020, which was stipulated by a statutory order of the State of Baden-Württemberg. This is based on the condition that it will be possible to resume study on April 20, 2020 in accordance with the factual and legal framework. “It is our aim that all students will be able to complete their studies in the 2020 summer semester and that course availability is guaranteed. To this end, we will do everything in our power and within our capabilities to do so,” explains Rector Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer.
The Rectorate had already decided to extend existing deadlines for the submission of written coursework, examination papers and theses. The period from April 20 through May 8, 2020 is to be used primarily to make up for examinations that have been cancelled and to complete written coursework and examination papers that could not be processed due to the interruption of study. At the same time, it is possible to start with courses for the summer semester on April 20th, as required. The later start of the lecture period is partially compensated by the fact that the excursion week after Whitsun from June 2-5, 2020, which is free of lectures, is cancelled and lectures end one week later – that is, on July 31, 2020. The lecture period is thus shortened by one week in total.
In addition, the University of Freiburg also wants to be prepared in the event of further impairment of University operations. “We would like to encourage all lecturers to design their courses in such a way that they can offer distance learning instead of classroom teaching,” says Prof. Dr. Juliane Besters-Dilger, Vice-President for Academic Affairs. In view of the corona epidemic, the study and examination regulations should be made temporarily more flexible, if necessary. In addition, the Rectorate wants to work towards ensuring that students who are unable to continue their studies in the 2020 summer semester due to the corona epidemic are not credited as university or subject semesters, especially in view of the maximum duration of support for BAföG.
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