Kissat triumphs in the SAT 2024 competition

Prof. Armin Biere and team win three gold medals for outstanding achievements.

The main track of the prestigious SAT 2024 competition, which took place as part of SAT'24 in Pune, India, was dominated by the latest version of the SAT solver Kissat. With an outstanding performance, Kissat secured first place in all disciplines and won three gold medals.

Kissat triumphed in the following categories:

  1. SAT (Satisfiable Instances)
  2. UNSAT (unfulfillable instances)
  3. SAT+UNSAT (combination of both instance types)

The results of the main track underline the outstanding efficiency and reliability of the latest version of Kissat, one of the world's leading SAT solvers. Winning in all categories demonstrates the technical superiority and continuous development of the solver, which has been specifically optimized for optimal performance when solving SAT instances.

About Kissat
Kissat is an advanced SAT solver known for its outstanding speed and efficiency in solving satisfiability problems. It is used by researchers and developers worldwide to solve complex logic problems and is considered one of the leading technologies in the field of SAT solvers.


Prof. Dr. Armin Biere
Department of Computer Science – IIF
Chair of Computer Architecture

Kerstin Steiger-Merx
Representative PR/Marketing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8056