Best Poster Award for fuel cell concept
The catalyst-coated membrane is replaced by two catalyst layers with direct-deposited membranes allowing for extremely thin membranes and improving the contact between membrane and catalyst layer.
Matthias Breitwieser and Severin Vierrath from Dr. Simon Thiele’s Porous Media Group have received the best poster award of the 7th international Conference Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells in Stuttgart for a novel fabrication method for fuel cells. The scientists used additive manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of membrane-electrode assemblies showing a 40 % higher power density compared to the commercial state of the art.
The conference takes place every two years. From January 31st until February 3rd, about 250 researchers from all over the world met at the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stuttgart. Main Topics were fuel cells and electrolysis - from the electrochemical basics to the systems.
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