Successful on the EMBC 2018
Photo: M. T. Alt
The Laboratory of Biomedical Microtechnology (BMT) as well as the Translational Neurotechnology Laboratory presented their recent research towards chronic implants on the international EMBC conference (International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society). A total of 11 internal and external employees of the BMT-Laboratory presented their latest research results in 5 talks and on 6 posters. The contents of the presentations included work on hermetic electrical feedthroughs for high amount of channels, optical stable glass waveguides for optogenetics, ultra-thin polyimide ECoG-arrays which are highly conformable on the surface of the cortex, micromechanical connector concepts, electrode for capacitive transcutaneous signal transmittance, pH- sensors based of IrOx on polyimide-arrays, 3D-electrodes for a higher spatial contact of neuron fibers and in vivo results of long-term studies with polyimide-ECoG-arrays in sheep-models. The publications will soon be online on
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