Award at the DGMBT annual conference
Foto: B. Szabo
With the submission of his master´s thesis as a conference paper with the title Polyimide-based Thin Film Conductors for High Frequency Data Transmission in Ultra-Conformable Implants, Benedikt Szabo won second place, worth € 300, in the student competition at DGBMT 2020, the largest specialist conference for biomedical technology in Germany.
New developments in active implants are investigating the possibilty of transmitting a large number of nerve signals and processing them via flexible thin films, which can also serve as an interface to biological tissue. This data can be digitized and transmitted serially over individual lines, which significantly reduces the number of electrical connections. As part of his master´s thesis, Benedikt Szabo examined the limits of a possible high-frequency transmission via miniaturized, flexible conductor tracks in various application scenarios. The work included the design and manufacture of highly flexible conductor tracks in various designs in the Clean Room of the University of Freiburg. These were then successfully examined with regard to their electrical and mechanical properties. The results are conductor tracks a few hundred nanometers high and a few micrometers wide, which can easily transmit signals up to 50 MHz in aqueous environments, such as in contact with biological tissue.
The research was carried out by Benedikt Szabo in the group of Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz at the Laboratory for Biomedical Microtechnology at the Institute for Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK at the University of Freiburg.
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