New at the Faculty
Photos: University of Freiburg / Klaus Polkowski ans Fraunhofer ISE
Freiburg, Jan 26, 2018
Anke Weidlich is Professor of Control and Integration of Grids at the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Engineering. The professorship has been recently created at the Institute of Sustainable Technical Systems. Weidlich’s research is about how an electricity system can be made sufficiently flexible so as to be able to compensate at any time for fluctuations in the supply of renewable energies. The technical challenges of electricity grids are in focus, as is the question of where such flexibility can be used most efficiently and to exploit market mechanisms. Weidlich also works on ways to determine how sustainable various energy systems are.
Weidlich studied business engineering and subsequently completed studies in energy economics and energy policy in Paris. After research at Iowa State University in Ames, USA, she completed her doctorate in 2008 at Karlsruhe University. She then worked for SAP, collaborating in research projects in the areas of smart grids and electromobility. Before coming to Freiburg, Weidlich was Professor of Energy Systems Technologies and Energy Management - particularly decentralized energy systems and smart grids - at Offenburg University.
Hans-Martin Henning is Professor of Solar Energy Systems at the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Engineering. The professorship is shared with the management of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg. Henning’s research fields are in building energy technology and energy systems analysis. Buildings are responsible for some 40 percent of Germany’s energy expenditure. The aim is to reduce that demand in order to preserve resources such as oil and gas and to cut emissions of climate-harming gases, particularly CO2. In this context of technical solutions, the professorship focuses on heat exchangers, environmental heat sources, and efficient energy conversion chains, as well as the use of renewable energies for heating and cooling.
Henning completed his doctorate in Physics in 1993 at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg; since 1994 he has been at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE in Freiburg. Since 2005 he has been a section head and later head of the ISE’s Thermal Systems and Building Energy Technology section. He has also been a deputy institute head of the ISE since 2009. Most recently, Henning has also held a professorship of technical energy systems at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). He has been the spokesman for the Fraunhofer Energy Alliance since December 2016.
Professor Dr. Anke Weidlich
Institute of Sustainable Technical Systems
University of Freiburg
Phone: 0761/203-54011
E-Mail: anke.weidlich(at)
Professor Dr. Hans-Martin Henning
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE
Phone: 0761/4588-5134
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