Excellent doctoral thesis
Dr. Christoph Werner at the award ceremony on 26 February 2019 in Munich. © Marc Mueller/dedinag/Fraunhofer
Dr. Christoph Werner was awarded the Hugo-Geiger Award of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy for his PhD theses "Stabilization and tuning of nonlinear-optical processes in lithium niobate whispering gallery resonators".
As part of his doctoral work at the Laboratory for Opticals Systems, and in collaboration with Fraunhofer IPM, microsystems engineer Christoph Werner developed an extremely compact laser source with tunable output wavelengths. The laser source is based on a whispering gallery resonator and uses optical feedback to stabilize the light waves inside the resonator.
Through his work, Werner has laid the foundations for a new generation of laser light sources.
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