Adolf Martens Prize for Dr. Can Dincer
Dr. Can Dincer received the Adolf Martens Prize 2018 in the category "Analytical Chemistry" from Adolf Martens Fund Chairman and BAM President Prof. Ulrich Panne. Source: BAM
At the ceremony organized by the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin-Steglitz, Dr. Can Dincer received the Adolf Martens Prize 2018 for his research on the optimization of electrochemical biosensors for the point-of-care diagnostics. Out of 23 proposals submitted, the independent jury selected Dincer's work in the field of “Analytical chemistry”. Already in 2017, he has been awarded by the second place in Gips-Schüle Young Scientist Award for his dissertation.
The name of the prize, which has been awarded since 1991, goes back to Adolf Martens (1850-1914), who was the head of the Royal Materials Testing Office, which later became BAM. Donated by the Adolf Martens Fund, the Adolf Martens Prize is awarded every two years for outstanding work in materials science, materials research and testing, safety engineering and analytical chemistry. The fund aims to promote and recognize the commitment of young researchers. The award is given for fundamental work, technical developments and transfer services that set innovative impulses for the industry.
Dr. Can Dincer
Laboratory for Sensors
IMTEK – Department of Microsystems Engineering &
FIT – Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies
phone: 0761/203-95129
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