Microsensors for cell culture monitoring
Lab Chip, 2018, 18, 1267
The current trend of organ-on-chip and human-on-chip systems will influence many different fields such as cancer research, toxicology, pharma screening, replacement of animal experiments, but also fundamental physiological research. Few approaches already include microsensors. For many other systems, metabolic monitoring could be beneficial.
The paper discusses microsensors for cell culture monitoring from 2D culture to organ-on-chip systems, including sensor principles, fabrication and culture formats with and without microfluidics. Microsensors enable the continuous characterization of the energy metabolism as expressed by parameters such as oxygen, pH, glucose, and lactate. Additionally, the article discusses sensors for oxidative stress, especially the challenges of sensing short-lived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.
With this article, the Laboratory for Sensors contributes with its experience from more than 15 years of research on microsensor systems for cell culture and critically review promises and limitations for the application of sensors towards human-on-chip systems.
The open access article can be accessed for free:
Dr. Jochen Kieninger
Department of Microsystems Engineering
Laboratory for Sensors
Phone: +49 761 203 7265
E-mail: kieninger(at)imtek.uni-freiburg.de
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