CRISPR-Biosensor on the Cover of Advanced Materials
Back-Cover of Advanced Materials
In this article, Can Dincer and co‐workers introduce the first CRISPR‐powered electrochemical, microfluidic biosensor (CRISPR‐Biosensor) that enables the targeted amplification‐free detection of microRNAs in isolated serum samples. Upon recognition of its target, the activated enzyme (Cas13a) cleaves reporter RNAs in its surroundings, resulting in a decrease of the measured electrochemical signal. The CRISPR‐Biosensor provides a cost-effective, easily scalable, specific and target amplification‐free (i.e., rapid and easy‐to‐use) tool for on‐site nucleic acid diagnostics.
The open access article can be accessed for free:
Richard Bruch, Julia Baaske, Claire Chatelle, Mailin Meirich, Sibylle Madlener, Wilfried Weber, Can Dincer, Gerald A. Urban, CRISPR/Cas13a powered electrochemical microfluidic biosensor for nucleic acid amplification-free miRNA diagnostics, 2019, Adv. Mater., 1905311,
More about the research in this video
Dr. Can Dincer
Laboratory for Sensors
IMTEK – Department of Microsystems Engineering &
FIT – Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies
phone: 0761/203-95129
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