Research article from the Laboratory for Sensors is highlighted on back cover of the new Advanced Materials issue: CRISPR/Cas13a‐Powered Electrochemical Microfluidic Biosensor for Nucleic Acid Amplification‐Free miRNA Diagnostics.
Research article from the Laboratory for Sensors is highlighted on back cover of the new Advanced Materials issue: CRISPR/Cas13a‐Powered Electrochemical Microfluidic Biosensor for Nucleic Acid Amplification‐Free miRNA Diagnostics.
Microsystems engineer Dr. Can Dincer was awarded the Adolf Martens Prize 2018.
Microsystems engineer has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of the SPIE Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS.
Freiburg start-up WEtell offers green and fair mobile communications
Researchers present sensor prototype that can rapidly, precisely, and cost-effectively measure molecular signals for cancer
The Team led by Prof. Alexander Reiterer, Dominik Störk and Dr. Katharina Wäschle from the Fraunhofer-Institute of Physical Measurement Techniques were awarded with the Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Prize 2019 for their development of a novel process chain to detect cable ducts.
The Freiburg scientist Alexander Reiterer captures megastructures with a multi-sensor system (Video)
At 12.11.2019, the Online-Magazine research & discover of University of Freiburg published an article about Prof. Reiterer's work including a german video with subtitles
The micro-optician Hans Zappe wants to make life easier for winegrowers (Video)
Die Freiburger Chemikerin Anayancy Osorio forscht an Hydrogelen und 3D Bioprinting
"Leg prothesis with sensory feedback" – Publication in Science Translation Medicine
University of Freiburg awards four prizes with a total value of 280,000 euros
Since October 10th, 2019, Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen, Chair of Bioinformatics is become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his precursor Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast, Department of Computer Science.
Freiburg chemistry researcher receives 1.9 million euros from the German Research Foundation
How interactions between neuronal migration and outgrowth shape network architecture
We wish you a good start with your studies at the Faculty of Engineering. A new city, a new room, new people: you are entering an new phase in your life
Yannic Maus is investigating the mathematical foundations of distributed algorithms in large networks
Dr. Can Dincer has been invited to join the editorial team of Biosensors and Bioelectronics as an Associate Editor.
Publication in Nature Communications
A planned Freiburg startup has improved micropumps and linked them up with microvalves
Researchers are testing a prosthetic leg that gives amputees sensory feedback and makes walking easier
The computer scientist Frank Hutter investigates how machine learning can be made easier to use
Swedish enterprise “CELLINK” will pay 30.25 million euros for the University of Freiburg spin-off
A new system should enable self-propelled cars to find their way better than with GPS
Frederik Kotz has developed a new procedure for shaping glass at room temperature
Prof. Gerald Urban is elevated to the grade of IEEE Senior Member.
How a tactile tablet could help visually impaired people get a feel for their surroundings
The technology company Bosch has decided to fund the basic research of Frank Hutter, Professor of Machine Learning at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg, with 6.4 million euros until the end of 2022 as part of a new collaboration agreement.
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