
New at the Faculty New at the Faculty

Anke Weidlich (Professor of Control and Integration of Grids) and Hans-Martin Henning (Professor of Solar Energy Systems)

Kaustubh Banerjee receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West Kaustubh Banerjee receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West

Kaustubh Banerjee, a doctoral student at the Gisela and Erwin Sick Chair of Micro-optics, received the Best Student Paper award at the MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems conference, part of SPIE Photonics West. Sponsored by Samsung, the award was for his paper entitled “A low-cost, 25-actuator electrostatic deformable mirror with polyimide membrane for adaptive optics microscopy”, and was co-authored by Pouya Rajaeipour and Çağlar Ataman. Photonics West is the largest annual international conference in the photonics field, attracting almost 25,000 participants to San Francisco every January.

CECAM workshop CECAM workshop

We are delighted to announce an upcoming workshop at CECAM Lausanne on topographic and morphological structure of material interfaces.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう

New at the faculty New at the faculty

Alfons Dehé takes up the Georg H. Endress Chair of Smart Systems Integration at the Department of Microsystems Engineering (MST) of the Faculty of Engineering.

One million euros – twice! One million euros – twice!

The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation funds research at the University of Freiburg’s Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering

Talk at Summer School Talk at Summer School

Communication Technology and Data Analytics for Future Energy Systems, 13 September 2017, in Passau, Germany

Number 6 in Germany Number 6 in Germany

The University of Freiburg ranks 82nd internationally in the Times Higher Education Ranking

ERC Starting Grants for Asplund and Pastewka ERC Starting Grants for Asplund and Pastewka

Dr. Maria Asplund and Prof. Dr. Lars Pastewka have been chosen to receive funding from one of the most significant European sources of support for junior researchers. The ERC distinguishes these researchers by presenting them with ERC Starting Grants of up to a total of almost 3 million euros for new projects.

In the test tube instead of under the knife In the test tube instead of under the knife

What if you fell off your bicycle today and ten years later you developed epilepsy? Relationships like this might appear far-fetched but are entirely possible, say Freiburg researchers.

Deception in the Depths Deception in the Depths

A new technology uses electrical impulses to reduce high blood pressure and is set to become the first alternative to treatment with drugs

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