Roland Zengerle Receives Certificate from National Academy of Sciences
As a new member of Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle has now received his certificate of membership on March 20 in Halle ...
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Saving lives and money
SpinDiag’s technology detects antibiotic resistance in just 30 minutes - and gives germs less time to spread
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Spindiag launches PCR rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2
Start-up at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications and Hahn-Schickard celebrate the market launch in Stuttgart
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State funds the development of a rapid test for the coronavirus
The Hahn-Schickard Institute for Microanalytical Systems in Freiburg and Spindiag GmbH, founded together with the Department of Microsystems Engineering – ...
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Technology transfer award for PCR rapid test device for infection diagnostics
Spindiag, a University of Freiburg and Hahn-Schickard spin-off, has been recognized for its research-based development
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The power of cracks
Thomas van Oordt et al. from the Lab-on-a-Chip division describe the effect of ultrasonic welding parameters on the peel strength of polyethylene films and ...
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The Young Academy for Sustainability Research has been launched
Scientists from different disciplines work on joint projects. Dr. Severin Vierrath from the IMTEK represents the engineering focus.
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Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics
Researchers develop new method enabling DNA molecules to be counted in just 30 minutes: A team of scientists including PhD student Friedrich Schuler from the ...
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Tree Fungus Lets Current Flow
Scientists at the Department of Microsystems Engineering present new concept for biofuel cells - cover story in ChemSusChem, the journal for chemistry, ...
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