Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
Announcing the Single-Cell Printer for documented isolation of cells in clonal cell line development
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New Dean: Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle
Since October 1, 2021, Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle, Department of Microsystems Engineering is become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office ...
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New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing
Researchers of the Project nEOdiag aims to develop fast and inexpensive analyses of amino acid sequences at the University of Freiburg
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Next steps for nanopore technology
The cluster nanodiag BW starts its first implementation phase with four funded projects
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On screen: discover the portable lab in a movie at youris.com - the European Research Media Center
Scientists of IMTEK and HSG-IMIT are developing a fully automated system, which can identify sepsis in infants within hours instead of days.
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One million euros for junior research group
The Vector Foundation sponsors Severin Vierrath’s research into a greenhouse gas reduction technology
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PhotonMed: 32-million-euro project to accelerate innovation in medical technology
Laboratory for MEMS Applications involved in several pilot cases
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Pioneering results: human tissue from the printer
Nine project partners from research and industry developped a 3D printer which is able to print functional human tissue with blood vessels.
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Proof of Corona in 35 Minutes
As early as late summer, Spindiag, a spin-off of the University of Freiburg, plans to launch a rapid test for coronavirus onto the market
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Publicly traded company takes over “cytena”
Swedish enterprise “CELLINK” will pay 30.25 million euros for the University of Freiburg spin-off
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