Let's science
Besuchen Sie die Technische Fakultät auf den Science Days 2023 vom 19.– 21. Oktober im Europapark Rust
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New professorship at the Faculty of Engineering strengthens Freiburg's position in the fields of embedded systems and digital health
Prof. Dr. Oliver Amft has accepted the call for the professorship of intelligent embedded systems at the Department of Computer Science at the University of ...
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New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing
Researchers of the Project nEOdiag aims to develop fast and inexpensive analyses of amino acid sequences at the University of Freiburg
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Prof. Amft in an interview with the Badische Zeitung
Portable everyday objects for medical analyses
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Smarte Krankentrage LAMBDA revolutioniert die Notfallmedizin
Innovatives Projektteam aus Freiburg stellt im COSIMA-Wettbewerb eine intelligente Trage mit Echtzeit-Vitaldatenüberwachung vor.
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Stage free for the Faculty of Engineering
Students take part in VDE's COSIMA competition
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Wearable Computing and Digital Twins
Inspiring inaugural lecture by Prof. Oliver Amft
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