ACM Names 71 Fellows for Computing Advances that are Driving Innovation
The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the worldwide leading computer science organization, has named Bernhard Nebel as an ACM Fellow. The ACM Fellows ...
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Alpine Verification Meeting
The Chair of Software Engineering, headed by Prof. Andreas Podelski, hosted the Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM) in Freiburg from September 4 to 6.
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Computer scientist Frank Hutter receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
Deep Learning 2.0: Automated Machine Learning enables more precise algorithms
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Contactless current measurement
Microsystem engineer at the University of Freiburg receives the advancement award from the Forum Applied Computer Science and Microsystems Engineering
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Learning from Relatives
New web tool simplifies prediction of regulatory networks in bacteria
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Networks for the Future
European Research Council awards ERC Starting Grant worth 1.148 million euros to Fabian Kuhn
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Welcome to the new Computer Science websites
News, events, people: This and much more can be found within our re-launched websites. We have chosen a new structure, kicked out some information here, added ...
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Well done!
The Faculty of Engineering congratulates the football team for the worldcup 2014!
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