Faculty of Engineering Alumni Prize 2024 awarded
Polina Shilikhina and Dhruv Shah honoured for outstanding commitment.
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Faculty of Engineering welcomes new Bachelor's and Master's students
Successful start to studies with strong support – orientation week begins today!
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Faculty party 2024
Great entertainment despite the mixed weather
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Faculty Teaching Award 2014
Dr. Matthias Keller and Dr. Tobias Schubert receive the Faculty Teaching Award 2014.
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Fast wie lebendes Gewebe
Die Freiburger Chemikerin Anayancy Osorio forscht an Hydrogelen und 3D Bioprinting
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Feel what others see
How a tactile tablet could help visually impaired people get a feel for their surroundings
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Fighting Epidemics in Africa
Researchers at IMTEK develop a rapid test for diagnosing malaria and other tropical diseases out of blood in a single run
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Fighting micropollutants with enzymes
Sabine Sané wins international prize for energy-efficient wastewater treatment
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Fingers Made of Laser Light: Controlled Grabbing and Rotation of Biological Micro-Objects
Freiburg scientists develop concept for feedback-controlled optical tweezers
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Finissage of the campaign „womenSHAPINGknowledge“
But the Faculty of Engineering keeps track with 4 more inspiring women
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