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Margit Zacharias has decided to resign from her post as Vice President for Innovation and Technology Transfer as of 1 October 2018
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Bactericidal layer fights hospital acquired infections
Chemist Karen Lienkmap receives 1.4 million euros for her project on anti-bacterial catheters and bandages
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Battery-free smart homes
Freiburg researchers from the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) receive EXIST business start-up grant for “SenSAWtious”
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Bernstein-CorTec Award
Award winner Dr. Katharina Heining, IMTEK, Biomicrotechnology presents on February 16, 2021: "Detection and dynamics of epileptiform activity patterns".
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Bertha-Ottenstein Prize for Gender Equality and Diversity Awarded to kite mentoring
Recognition of 10 Years of Successful Support for Women in Science and Research.
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Best Paper Award for Dr. Fralett Suárez Sandoval
Wireless Power Transfer Conference 2020 honoured her work on wireless power transfer by magneto-inductive waves
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Best Young Scientist Paper Award ESSCIRC 2012
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Better Image Contrast for Microscopes
Researchers Achieve Better Illumination of Biological Samples – Publication in Nature Communications.
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Better understanding communication between neurons in the brain
Researchers at the University of Freiburg develop a new method for controlled interrogation and recording of neuronal activity
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Biosensors and Bioelectronics Best Paper Award 2020/2021
The recent paper on CRISPR-Biosensor X from Dr. Can Dincer's team was awarded the international Biosensors and Bioelectronics Best Paper Award 2020/2021.
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