New Dean Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen
On October 1st, 2014, Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen, Chair of Databases and Information Systems, Department of Computer Science, will become Dean of the Faculty of ...
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Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kuhl - New Director of the Laboratory for Microelectronics
On April 1st 2022, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Kuhl was appointed the new director of the Laboratory for Microelectronics.
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New Director: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe
On October 1st, 2016, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe, Chair of Microactuators, will become the first female Director of the Department of Microsystems Engineering ...
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New Dean Prof. Yiannos Manoli
On October 1st, 2012, Prof. Dr. Yiannos Manoli, Fritz Huettinger Chair of Microelectronics, Department of Microsystems Engineering, will become Dean of the ...
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Professor Yiannos Manoli has been named an IEEE Life Fellow
This recognizes his contributions to the design of integrated analog-to-digital interface circuits and energy harvesting systems.
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Prof. Gerald Urban elected as DFG Review Board member
Prof. Gerald Urban has been elected in the DFG Review Board 407-06 „Biomedical Systems Technology“.
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Prof. Gerald Urban elected as EAMBES-Fellow
Prof. Gerald Urban was elected as a Fellow by EAMBES (European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering Sciences).
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Senate Elects Two New Vice Rectors
The Senate of the University of Freiburg has elected two new part-time vice rectors: Gisela Riescher (Faculty of Humanities) will be responsable for academic ...
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Publication in Nature Photonics – Bacterium in a Laser Trap
Freiburg Researchers develop a light tube that can grab and scan even the tiniest of unicellular organisms
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Cleanroom Service Center under new management
Since March 2021, Björn Gerdes is head of IMTEK's Cleanroom Service Center (RSC).
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