IMTEK researcher wins Best Paper Award
Mark Schepperle receives the "Best Paper Award" at the MHMT'23 Conference in Lisbon
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In the test tube instead of under the knife
What if you fell off your bicycle today and ten years later you developed epilepsy? Relationships like this might appear far-fetched but are entirely possible, ...
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Informatica feminale at the Faculty of Engineering
Ana Belen Amada Rey leads workshop on wearable sensors
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Informatica feminale Baden Württemberg
Summer School & Networking from & for women in STEM
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Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses
A novel concept for adaptive lenses by Matthias Wapler from the Laboratory for Microactuators presented at the ISOT 2014 has been recognized with the ...
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Innovation Challenge "Energy-efficient AI-System"
Detection of atrial fibrilation by means of energy-efficient AI-based integrated circuits - Chair of Microelectronics and Hahn-Schickard awarded first place by ...
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Innovation Driver Microelectronics
Inaugural lecture of Prof. Kuhl on 31.03.2023: Latest applications and technologies in medicine and industry
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Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel
Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel Chris Eberl develops unit cells – these miniature building blocks give materials special capabilities
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Intelligent, Clever, and with Moral Behavior
The University of Freiburg has now opened a new robotics center as part of its Faculty of Engineering
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Interview in SWR2 Impuls
"Facemask-integrated Covid-19 tests: this is what biosensors can do." Ralf Caspary in an interview with microsystems engineer Dr. Can Dincer.
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