In the test tube instead of under the knife
What if you fell off your bicycle today and ten years later you developed epilepsy? Relationships like this might appear far-fetched but are entirely possible, ...
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Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses
A novel concept for adaptive lenses by Matthias Wapler from the Laboratory for Microactuators presented at the ISOT 2014 has been recognized with the ...
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"Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology" is ceremoniously handed over
Freiburg scientists at IMBIT conduct interdisciplinary research on human-machine interfaces
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Intelligent, Clever, and with Moral Behavior
The University of Freiburg has now opened a new robotics center as part of its Faculty of Engineering
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Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel
Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel Chris Eberl develops unit cells – these miniature building blocks give materials special capabilities
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Interview in SWR2 Impuls
"Facemask-integrated Covid-19 tests: this is what biosensors can do." Ralf Caspary in an interview with microsystems engineer Dr. Can Dincer.
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Juan Ordonez affiliated to the DFG Workshop “Neurosensory Systems” for Early Career Investigators
His original and scientifically relevant project proposal entitled “Effects of neuroprosthetic intervention’ is one out of 20 selected ideas to be discussed ...
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The Young Academy for Sustainability Research has been launched
Scientists from different disciplines work on joint projects. Dr. Severin Vierrath from the IMTEK represents the engineering focus.
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Encouraging young talents
The Faculty of Engineering is a partner of the Schülerforschungszentrum Region Freiburg e.V. (SFZ)
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Cold Plasma Battles Bacteria
A new method promises gentler, more effective dental treatment (Video)
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