Christmas Lecture 2023
Christmas Lecture at the Faculty of Engineering
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Christoph Messmer wins Student Award at the European Photovoltaics Conference
Christoph Messmer, PhD student in the group of Photovoltaic Energy Conversion at INATECH, University of Freiburg, received a Student Award for his plenary talk ...
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Company excursion to Bosch
25 students of the Faculty of Engineering immerse themselves in the world of MEMS
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Data Wonderland
An interactive festival featuring data, tamers and artificial intelligence
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Day of the Faculty 12.07.2024
The Student Council of the Faculty of Engineering invites you
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Diamonds from the Lab
Physicist Oliver Ambacher develops sensors that can make even the faintest magnetic field visible (Video)
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Encouraging young talents
The Faculty of Engineering is a partner of the Schülerforschungszentrum Region Freiburg e.V. (SFZ)
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ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Dr. Oliver Höhn at the University of Freiburg
European Research Council funds research project on high-efficiency solar cells
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Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Bauer made Honorary Senators
The University of Freiburg honors outstanding efforts and service at Dies Universitatis
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Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Mayr young talent awards
Scientists of the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) are awarded again
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