Micro Alliance Workshop 2018
This year’s Annual MicRO Alliance Workshop is organized and hosted by the Department of Micro Engineering of the University of Freiburg. It will take place ...
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Micro-optics receives the 2013 Rudolf Kingslake Medal
Three members of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Laboratory for Micro-optics are recipients of the 2013 Rudolf Kingslake Medal and Prize awarded by SPIE, the ...
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Micro-optics sponsors German-Chinese optics symposium
The Gisela and Erwin Sick Laboratory for Micro-optics together with the State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics at Jilin University in China will ...
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Microsensors for cell culture monitoring
Critical review article from the Laboratory for Sensors is featured on cover of the new Lab on a Chip issue: Microsensor systems for cell metabolism – from 2D ...
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Milestone for the Faculty of Engineering
3D AME printer DragonFly IV expands research capacities at the Laboratory for Microelectronics.
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Mind Art Technology
Panel discussion “Neurotechnology, Ethics and Acceptance”
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Misha Mahowald Prize for the "Bionic Arm"
The TIME electrode is part of a new type of arm prosthesis. For their innovative invention, the team "The Bionic Arm" receives the Misha Mahowald Prize.
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Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
Announcing the Single-Cell Printer for documented isolation of cells in clonal cell line development
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More stable stance through bone anchoring
New publication on osseointegration
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Neurotechnology in the Pub
Podcast on current topics in neurotechnology with a participant from Freiburg
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