We congratulate our collegues from the Lab for MEMS Applications: Tobias Metz, Wolfgang Streule, Roland Zengerle and Peter Koltay for winning the best poster award at the annual IMTEK poster session 2008!
Speaker: Professor Tianhong Cui; Richard & Barbara Nelson Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota.
Gastvortrag von Herrn Dr. Werner Zapka, Xaar Jet AB (Cambridge, Stockholm)
After 9 years in Freiburg PD. Dr. Jens Ducrée accepts an offer as associate professor for “Microsystem Technologies” at the Biomedical Diagnostics Institute at the Dublin City University in Ireland as of May 2008.
Die beiden Institute für Informatik und Mikrosystemtechnik entwickeln in dem bewilligten Exzellenzcluster "Centre for Biological Signalling Studies (bioss)" technologischen Grundlagen für die Erforschung der chemischen Prozesse in Zellen.
Wolfgang Streule, former PhD student at the nanoliter & nicoliter dispensing group of the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, started working as R&D engineer at BioFluidix GmbH as of July 2007.
Thomas Glatzel worked in the nanofluidics simulation group at the IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications from August 2003 till May 2007. Now he was offered a permanent position at Braun GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus as of June 2007.
Christian Litterst worked in the Simulation of Micro- & Nanofluidics group at the IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications from August 2001 till May 2007. Now he was offered a permanent position at Braun GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus as of June 2007.
Remigius Niekrawietz worked in the nanoliter & picoliter dispensing group at the IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications from March 2003 till September 2006. Now he moved to Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart / Schillerhoehe as of October 2006.
Mehr als 800 Personen aus Forschung, Industrie und Verbänden und über 20 Journalisten, u. a. von ZEIT, Financial Times Deutschland und SWR, hatten vom 15. bis 17. Oktober 2005 am Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress in Freiburg teilgenommen.
The University of Rostock has recently offered Dr. Peter Koltay, Laboratory for MEMS Applications, a professorship in "Fluid and Microfluid Technology".
In Würdigung seiner herausragenden wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der „Lab-on-a-Disk“-Technologie hat Herr Dr. Jens Ducrée am 13. Juli den diesjährigen FAM Preis erhalten.
Dr. Min Hu, former research scientist at the Simulation group of the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, joins the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore as of April 2006.
George Danzer, former student in the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, decided to quit his studies and started very successful in his new career as a professional poker player.
Timo Lindemann worked in the microfluidics simulation group at the IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications (Prof. Zengerle) from August 2002 till February 2006. Now he was offered a permanent position at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart / Schillerhoehe as
The IMTEK-laboratory for MEMS Applications will receive a grant of 135.000 EURO from the Hans L. Merkle Program for Excellency in Science and Technology.
Rolf Kaack was offered a position as a project leader of acceleration sensor development at Robert Bosch GmbH in Reutlingen as of August 2005.
Dr. Markus Grumann, former PhD student at the Lab-on-a-Chip group of the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, begins as head of R&D (Research and Development) at Phywe in Goettingen as of November 2005.
Dr. Thilo Brenner, former PhD student at the Lab-on-a-Chip group of the Laboratory for MEMS Applications, begins the “PERSPECTIVES Trainee program” at Roche Diagnostics as of February 2006.
Oliver Gutmann, a former PhD student working in a joint project of IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications and Roche in Basel, was offered a PostDoc position at the Pharmaceutical Devision of F. Hoffmann-La Roche as of November 2005.
Thilo Brenner, a PhD student at the laboratory for MEMS applications, got the COMS 2005 poster award for his contribution “Fabrication Chain for Prototyping of Microfluidic Chips in Polymers”
As of May 2005, a team of three IMTEK professors were appointed as the new (Board of) Directors at the “Institute of Micro and Information Technology” of the Hahn-Schickard-Foundation” (HSG-IMIT).
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