IMTEK / Lab careers: Kiril Kalkandjiev accepts position as R&D engineer with Berliner Glas KGaA
Kiril Kalkandjiev worked in the nanoliter & picoliter dispensing group at the IMTEK – Laboratory for MEMS Applications from July 2007 till June 2011. Now, Kiril has accepted a position as a R&D engineer with Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Kiril Kalkandjiev is about to finish his PhD thesis at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications. Kiril's main focus was on providing alternative fabrication techniques along with their associated effects on manufacturing cost and performance. In close collaboration with Biofluidix GmbH, he was working on the development of low-cost nanoliter dispensers which are currently available for beta testing. After four years at the nanoliter & picoliter dispensing group, Kiril has accepted a position as a R&D engineer with Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co. He will work at the company's headquarters in Berlin.
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