Dr. Daniel Hiller organizes Symposium P at the Fall-EMRS 2015 in Warsaw

Silicon nanostructures in all dimensionalities are investigated by researchers working in both fundamental science (nanophysics, nanotechnology) and microelectronic engineering (future CMOS technologies, sensors, photovoltaics, etc.).



In fundamental science, Si nanostructures such as quantum wells, nanowires, or quantum dots are fabricated deliberately to study the properties of nanoscale Si with the aim of modification and utilization for a variety of applications. On the other hand, applied research on future Si-CMOS technologies is driven by the demand of miniaturization on the low nanometer scale to improve performance. With ongoing CMOS miniaturisation, there is a minute quantitative size difference between both disciplines which will vanish completely in the near future. Besides the well-known size dependent quantum confinement effects, Si nanostructures are highly susceptible to their surrounding and any kind of impurities. Many key material properties change due to the influence of an embedding matrix or surface terminating groups. For instance, it has been shown that surface functionalization and ensuing strain switches the fundamental band gap type from indirect to direct-like. Also, it was demonstrated that different types of dielectric matrices induce a charge transfer in Si nanostructures which creates energy offsets of electronic states. On the other hand, well established technological concepts such as majority carrier generation by impurity doping with e.g. phosphorous or boron are impeded in Si nanostructures due to self-purification, statistical problems, or failing dopant ionization due to quantum confinement. Likewise, problems with dopant diffusion in the channel region or dopant deactivation at the Si/SiO2 interface are hot topics in Fin-FET engineering.
In order to understand, circumvent or exploit these effects sophisticated theoretical approaches (e.g. via density functional theory simulations) and advanced metrology (e.g. atom probe tomography) are crucial for the whole range of small Si nanostructures.
The symposium will focus on the electronic, optical and structural properties of Si nanostructures in the context of doping, interface- and matrix-effects (including strain, interface charge transfer, surface functionalization etc.) as well as the novel measurement technologies to detect, image and probe these effects. Fundamental and applied researchers are encouraged to present their recent results and to exchange their knowledge and experience.

See the EMRS-page for more information.


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