Richard Bruch, Prof. Gerald A. Urban and Dr. Can Dincer were invited to write a News & Views for Nature Biomedical Engineering.
The University of Freiburg’s Researching City Walls project combines science and art in public spaces
Computer science and microsystems engineering take first place nationwide in terms of research-relevant indicators
Dr. Christoph Werner receives Hugo-Geiger Award
Every year, the association of metal and electrical industry employers in Baden-Württemberg awards the prize endowed with 5,000 euros to one researcher at each of the universities in the state for outstanding scientific achievements.
Jan Burchard has developed a new testing method for computer chip quality control
In our vision, the development of new technical systems is guided by sustainability considerations. We contribute towards this aim with excellence in research and teaching.
Researchers from the Laboratory for Biomedical Microtechnology are designing a prosthesis that makes movements tangible – Film!
Freiburg researchers succeed in printing channel structures in glass
University of Freiburg and Fraunhofer continue their successful cooperation on the Sustainability Center
Two private investors and High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) are convinced of single-cell isolation technology developed by the IMTEK-Spin-off.
The University of Freiburg and the five Freiburg Fraunhofer Institutes jointly established the Sustainability Center in 2015. In the second funding phase running since January 2019, the Center will be seeking to strengthen its second pillar after basic research – application-oriented research. A “kickoff meeting” on 28 March 2019 will detail the planned activities.
Freiburg startup receives around one million Euro under the EXIST Transfer of Research program
For major challenges, microsystems engineering develops solutions that are smaller than a human hair - for example, a complete laboratory on a chip. Microsystems engineering is used wherever intelligent, space-saving and energy-efficient solutions are required:
SpinDiag’s technology detects antibiotic resistance in just 30 minutes - and gives germs less time to spread
"Best Student Award" at the International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology 2018 in Cancun (Mexico)
The lab for microactuators has published a new method to determine the Poisson’s ratio and the coefficient of thermal expansion of PDMS by using a thermal expansion and an optical surface profilometer.
Ronak Shah, a Master’s student at the Gisela and Erwin Sick Chair of Micro-optics, received the Best Student Paper award at the MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems conference, part of SPIE Photonics West.
For further enhancing the research field Artificial Intelligence the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg invites applications for two new Junior Professorships to be filled as soon as possible.
"PROMYS" project researchers receive funds to develop miniaturized sensors for biomedical devices
Microsystem engineer at the University of Freiburg receives the advancement award from the Forum Applied Computer Science and Microsystems Engineering
What formalities need to be observed in interactions between humans and machines?
How can a computer learn to generalize the knowledge contained in a huge dataset and to find solutions for complex problems on its own? This question is the focus of two new assistant professorships at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Freiburg: Robot Learning and Representation Learning
Freiburg computer scientists develop a user-friendly plug-in for the automated analysis of biomedical images
Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう
Software by a Freiburg start-up has created a computer simulation of the path that liquid takes
Bastian Rapp receives 2-million-euro ERC Consolidator Grant for the development of tactile computer displays
Gain insight into Prof. Manoli's activities during his stay at the Thomas Mann House!
Gerhard Schneider, Director of the IT Center of the University of Freiburg, takes up the post on 1st December 2018
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