Graduation Ceremony Master's students and PhDs

A review of the Graduation Ceremony for Master's students and PhDs on July 12, 2024

After the Bachelor's graduates were bid farewell in the morning, the graduation ceremony for the Master's students and PhDs followed in the afternoon.

The event was held in English, as the guests had traveled from various countries. With around 300 participants from more than 50 countries, the event took place in an even larger lecture hall than in the morning and emphasized the international diversity of the faculty. Some family members were in Freiburg for the first time and had traveled long distances to take part in the celebration.

The musicians of the Academic Orchestra of the University of Freiburg once again created an atmospheric ambience.

The Dean, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Balle, welcomed the graduates, their friends and families, congratulated them on their successful graduation and wished them all the best for their future.

Frank Mu, a former graduate of the Sustainable Systems Engineering program and now team leader in Purchasing at BayWa r.e., gave an inspiring presentation on photovoltaic modules and the influence of global factors on price developments.

Mariela Castillo Cota, a computer science graduate, shared her challenges and successes during her studies in Germany in a touching and very moving way.

The highlight of the event was the award ceremony and the presentation of the degree portfolios by the deans of studies to the master's and doctoral students, including Alexander Schiffmacher, who was awarded Summa Cum Laude. PD Dr. Cristian Pasluosta was honored for his habilitation (Venia Legendi).

The ceremony ended with music and a standing reception in the foyer of building 101, where lively discussions were held. A professional photographer captured the special moments.

We wish all graduates that they will always look back on their time in Freiburg at the Faculty of Engineering with joy and use the knowledge they have gained to shape and change the world in a positive way.


Kerstin Steiger-Merx
Representative PR/Marketing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8056

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Balle
University of Freiburg
Faculty of Engineering, Dean
Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
Tel.: 0761 203 8080