Scientific exchange and public presentation in Ettenheim
Scientific exchange and public presentation in Ettenheim
Strong representation of the Laboratory for Microactuators at the MST congress
The German Research Foundation approves the Collaborative Research Center "ECOSENSE".
Hitesh Gowda, a doctoral student researcher at the Laboratory for Microactuators, was awarded with the ‘BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD’ at the OPTO conference, part of SPIE Photonics West 2022.
Novel adaptive lenses can focus in just 100 microseconds and simultaneously correct optical aberrations on a minimal footprint using a piezo-glass composite membrane
Scientists from the lab for micro actuators have developed a process to produce arbitrary aspherical lenses with high quality using common mechanical tools.
"Best Paper Award" at "International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies" 2019 in Goa (India)
"Best Student Award" at the International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology 2018 in Cancun (Mexico)
The lab for microactuators has published a new method to determine the Poisson’s ratio and the coefficient of thermal expansion of PDMS by using a thermal expansion and an optical surface profilometer.
IMTEK Start-up Voxalytic builds microcoils for the analysis of small samples - some day these parts could improve energy management in smartphones
The Group of Mikroaktuators has started to work in the field of ultrasonics with the goal of transferring power wirelessly by means of acoustic waves.
The laboratory of microactuators will have two contributions at the “Actuator 18” conference held in Bremen from 25th to 27th of June 2018.
The lab for micro actuators has published a novel type of varifocal mirror with aspherical aberration correction that enables new compact telefocus lenses, e.g. for mobile applications.
The scientists from the Microactuators lab are happy to announce two recent publications in Optics Express.
On October 1st, 2016, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe, Chair of Microactuators, will become the first female Director of the Department of Microsystems Engineering in its 20 years history. She takes over the office from his precursor Prof. Dr. Leonhard Reindl, Chair of Electrical Instrumentation.
A novel concept for adaptive lenses by Matthias Wapler from the Laboratory for Microactuators presented at the ISOT 2014 has been recognized with the “Innovation in Optomechatronic Research Award”
Researchers of the microactuators laboratory have published a paper on novel 3D solenoidal on-chip wire bonded microtransformers in JMM.
Researchers at the chair for microactuators developed a new type of adaptive “1D-axicon” that delivers a tunable optical line-pattern.
New actuation modes for free-form out-of-plane displacement of piezo membranes have been published by researchers of the IMTEK microactuators laboratory.
The microactuators laboratory had a strong presence at the bi-annual national German MST congress with 5 papers – 4 oral and one poster.
Two project proposals under participation of the microactuators laboratory have been granted in the excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools.
Michael Pauls, master's student at the chair for microactuators wins the „Best student paper award“ at the ISOT 2012 in paris with the paper „A reflective tunable blazed-grating for high energy femtosecond laser pulses“.
IMTEK researchers have recently reported in the PLoS ONE journal successful fabrication and testing of "Microfabricated Inserts for Magic Angle Coil Spinning (MACS) Wireless NMR Spectroscopy"
Excellence Cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools will start in November 2012 - the microactuators lab joins in!
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