Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel Chris Eberl develops unit cells – these miniature building blocks give materials special capabilities
Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel Chris Eberl develops unit cells – these miniature building blocks give materials special capabilities
New deep learning research breaks records in image recognition ability of self-driving cars
Joint activity between University College Freiburg and IMTEK – connecting technology and its reception in society
Joint research group of the University of Freiburg’s Department of Microsystems Engineering and the Humboldt University Berlin receives Helmholtz Prize
As early as late summer, Spindiag, a spin-off of the University of Freiburg, plans to launch a rapid test for coronavirus onto the market
The Hahn-Schickard Institute for Microanalytical Systems in Freiburg and Spindiag GmbH, founded together with the Department of Microsystems Engineering – IMTEK, will receive 6 million euros in order to develop a PCR-based rapid test for the coronavirus on its diagnostics platform. It is the crowning achievement of a process that was started 20 years ago in basic research at the University of Freiburg.
The Faculty of Engineering with the Department of Microsystems Engineering is participating in an initiative that produces face shields for medical professionals.
Research article of the Laboratory for Sensors on the back cover of the new Analyst issue: A lab-on-a-chip for free-flow electrophoretic preconcentration of viruses and gel electrophoretic DNA extraction
The University will be fully operational May 11 through July 31, 2020
Data and analyses relating to SARS-CoV-2 are available on the University of Freiburg’s Galaxy platform
Information for students, staff members, first semester students
Microsystems engineers receive EXIST Transfer of Research aid to further develop adaptive optics
The Galaxy platform enables the free and transparent overview of COVID-19 genome informations
Novel adaptive lenses can focus in just 100 microseconds and simultaneously correct optical aberrations on a minimal footprint using a piezo-glass composite membrane
Freiburg researcher investigate the origins of surface texture
Publication on adiabatic frequency conversion in ultrahigh-Q microresonators chosen "Editor's Pick".
About prosthetic care in Germany
Online course on "Solar Energy Integration and Economics" will be co-taught at Penn State and Freiburg Universities
Out of 741 start-ups, the spin-off from the University of Freiburg and Hahn-Schickard was ranked 29th in the top 50 ranking of the "For Founders" initiative.
The Vector Foundation sponsors Severin Vierrath’s research into a greenhouse gas reduction technology
Physicist Oliver Ambacher develops sensors that can make even the faintest magnetic field visible (Video)
Can Dincer has developed a method for detecting molecules that are markers of disease in exhaled breath
Publication on electro-optic eigenfrequency tuning of KTN microresonators selected as "Editor's Pick”
The European Research Council is funding Frank Hutter’s project with a Proof of Concept Grant
Facing the challenge: from fundeamental research to clinical trials
Scientists from the lab for micro actuators have developed a process to produce arbitrary aspherical lenses with high quality using common mechanical tools.
"Best Paper Award" at "International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies" 2019 in Goa (India)
This recognizes his contributions to the design of integrated analog-to-digital interface circuits and energy harvesting systems.
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