Sponsorship award from the Foundation for Energy Informatics

SSE students Johanna Adams and Sebastián Rivero Equiza were honored

This year, two graduates of the Sustainable Systems Engineering (SSE) program were awarded a prize for their excellent theses by the Foundation for Energy Informatics.

Johanna Adams and Sebastián Rivero Equiza took second and third place with their Master theses on the topics “Reinforcement learning-based analysis of bidding strategies for different block orders in electricity markets" and "Quantitative resilience assessment of the European power system against compound dry/hot events", respectively. They were supervised by Nick Harder and Tim Fürmann and reviewed by Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich.

The prize was awarded as part of the 8th Energy Management Day at FH Aachen and honors outstanding theses that make a scientific contribution to the design of the energy system and thus contribute to the energy transition.

Learn more about the sponsorship award from the Foundation for Energy Informatics: https://energie-informatik.de/foerderung/foerderpreis/


Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich
Chair for Control and Integration of Grids

Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering – INATECH
E-Mail: anke.weidlich@inatech.uni-freiburg.de

Kerstin Steiger-Merx
Representative PR/Marketing
Faculty of Engineering
University of Freiburg
Tel.: 0761/203-8056
E-Mail: steiger-merx@tf.uni-freiburg.de