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A decade of online Masters' programs
cytena received EUR 1.1 million
15 years Microelectronics in Freiburg
200,000 euros for research into sustainable energy
2020-2021 Freiburg-Penn State Virtual Classroom Award for Mark Fedkin and Anke Weidlich
2.3 Million Euros for Young Researchers
3D printing of small and complex components made of glass in just a few minutes
EUR 3 million for Cytena GmbH
45 million euros in BMBF funding for research on nanopores for personalized medicine
4th International Conference on Neuroprosthetic Devices ICNPD-2012 in Freiburg, Germany
6.7 Million Euros for Microsystems Engineering Project
Actome GmbH and QIAGEN announce commercial partnership
Actome is a "TOP 50 Start-up 2019"
Adolf Martens Prize for Dr. Can Dincer
Advanced nanolithography for particle tracking published in Advanced Functional Materials
Old Material – Newly Discovered
Alumni Award 2014
Alumni Award 2021
Americans go IMTEK!
Anke Weidlich on the energy crisis in Europe
Antibiotic levels measurable in breath for first time
Article on the Inside Front Cover of Advanced Materials
Unlocking human-like perception in self-driving vehicles
On the road to the prosthesis of the future
Accurate to the decimeter
A boost for artificial intelligence
All Eyes on the Mantis Shrimp
Buckling as a technical revolution
Featured Article
Excellent doctoral thesis
Excellent Publication
Excellent Publication
Excellent Publication
Excellent Publication
Excellent Publication
Excellent Publication
Award-winning measuring technology at a nano scale
ionysis GmbH – spin-off bringing hydrogen fuel cells to market maturity for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
Growing and moving
Award at the DGBMT annual conference 2021
Award at the EMBC
Award at the DGMBT annual conference
Automated cell research
Preventing Autonomous Combat Robots
Freestyle across the field
Back cover in Advanced Energy Materials for the combination of X-ray tomography and virtual design in battery electrodes
Battery-free smart homes
Tree Fungus Lets Current Flow
Bernstein-CorTec Award
Better Image Contrast for Microscopes
"Best Paper Award" at ISOT 2019 – 4th Award at ISOT Conferences
Best Paper Award for Dr. Fralett Suárez Sandoval
Best Paper Award
Best Poster Award for fuel cell concept
Best Poster Award for Katrin F. Schumann
Best Poster-Award für Matthias Kuhl bei IMTEK Postersession
Best Presentation Award for Kaustubh Banerjee
"Best Student Award" at ISOT 2018 for "Piezo-actuated adaptive Prisms"
Best Young Scientist Paper Award ESSCIRC 2012
Bilder aus der Nanowelt
Bio-Disk ist Top10 Innovation auf der LabAutomation 2005
BioFluidix: A New Start-Up from the Laboratory of MEMS Applications
Biosensors and Bioelectronics Best Paper Award 2020/2021
Up to the fingertips
BMT poster at IFESS 2022
Publicly traded company takes over “cytena”
Bridge between technology and physiology
The more colorful, the better
Cadence European Design Contest for Students goes to team of IMTEK
CECAM workshop
Chair of Microelectronics awarded on the IEEE MWSCAS 2007
Matthias Meier receives Consolidator Grant
Christian Peters is awarded the „Wolfgang-Gentner-Nachwuchsförderpreis“ for his outstanding doctoral thesis
Christoph Messmer wins Student Award at the European Photovoltaics Conference
Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship
Cochlear implant as a sensor
COMS 2005 Poster Award goes to Thilo Brenner
A Kaleidoscopic View of Corona
Proof of Corona in 35 Minutes
Cover picture Plasma Processes and Polymers
CRISPR-Biosensor on the Cover of Advanced Materials
DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics 2021
Daniel Kopp receives Best Paper Award of the International Commission for Optics
Making Machine Learning More Democratic
Coronavirus data analysis
DEEPER project
Computer scientist Frank Hutter receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
Deep Learning for All
Deep Learning helps improve gene therapies and antiviral drugs
The Engineered Eyeball on ARTE
"The chipped human"
The "tuned" human
A breath of fresh information
Freedom of design for 3D printing
Design Award for High-Tech Helmet
Detecting neurotransmitters simultaneously to electrical stimulation and recording
Deutschlandfunk: Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher im Interview
Successful conclusion of Phase I of the Priority Program "Active Micro-optics"
Diamonds from the Lab
Diamond revolutionizes optomechanics
The brightest minds on campus
The Community Against Covid-19
Better understanding communication between neurons in the brain
The power of cracks
Micro-optics sponsors German-Chinese optics symposium
The Faculty of Engineering is part of the European Flagsship initiative DigiTwins
Measuring the world
Measuring the world
COVID-19 spurs wave of innovative diagnostics
Donald E. Walker Distinguished Service Award goes to Professor Bernhard Nebel
Best Poster Award MFHS 2012 for Dong Liang
100% success for the microactuators lab at BrainLinks-BrainTools
New wire bonded microtransformers published
Dr. Can Dincer joins Biosensors and Bioelectronics as an Associate Editor
Dr. Cu-Nguyen presented Young Scientist Award from IEEE Japan
Dr. Daniel Hiller organizes Symposium P at the Fall-EMRS 2015 in Warsaw
Dr. Daniel Hiller organizes Symposium P at the Spring-EMRS 2017 in Strasbourg
Dr. Jan Burchard wins 2019 Südwestmetall Prize
Dr. M. Keller - Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
Dr. M. Keller - Acting head of the Chair of Microelectronics from April 1st 2020
Dr. Peter Koltay abstains from professorship at University of Rostock and continues work at IMTEK and BioFluidix GmbH
Drucken funktionaler Materialien mittels Inkjet Printing: Gastvortrag von Dr. Werner Zapka
Efficient gallium nitride voltage converters for energy systems of the future
Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Bauer made Honorary Senators
Gerda and Fritz Ruf become Honorary Senators
Number 6 in Germany
One Million Euros for Energy-Efficient Radio-Frequency Electronics
One million euros for junior research group
A quick an accurate method to determine the characteristic material parameters of PDMS
Invited News & Views article for Nature Biomedical Engineering
Invited News & Views article for Nature Electronics
A Sustainable Promise
A place for your ideas
A new rescue signal
A rocky road towards the optimal prosthesis?
A storage battery for the entire world
A storage battery for the entire world
Elite program for postdocs
Emma Goldman Award goes to Anelis Kaiser Trujillo
Abhinav Valada Awarded Emmy Noether AI Grant
Emmy Noether Funding for Adam Kortylewski
Emmy Noether funding for Anayancy Osorio
Energy of the future
Smart ways to save energy
Wireless power transfer by means of acoustic waves
Long-term Sight on the Horizon
Fighting Epidemics in Africa
Erasmus Prize for Bachelor thesis on radiation sensor technology
ERC Starting Grant for Dr. Frank Hutter
ERC Starting Grants for Asplund and Pastewka
Successful on the EMBC 2018
Successful cooperation with the University of California (UCLA)
First International Day at the Faculty
First place in Automatic Machine Learning Challenge
First Collaborative Research Center (SFB) at IMTEK
ESSCIRC Best Paper Award goes to Dominic Maurath
EUJO-LIMMS Dissemination Workshop, Oct. 25, 2013
European Commission supports DigiTwins
Eurosensors 2015 Conference - a huge success
Exzellenzakademie „Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik“
Excellence Cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools
EXZELLENZINITIATIVE: Beteiligung des Lehrstuhls Anwendungsentwicklung
EXZELLENZINITIATIVE: IMTEK und Informatik erfolgreich im Exzellenzcluster bioss
Fabian Stumpf wins Best Poster Award at the Biosensors Conference 2014
Colloquium of the Faculty of Engineering, June 13, 16:00 c.t. / Dr. Frank Hutter, Emmy Noether Research Group Lead
Fakultätskolloquium am 31.01.2013 / Prof. Ulrich Hofmann, Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems, Universität Freiburg
Fakultätskolloquium - From Implantable Microelectronic Devices to Modern Assistive Technologies
Fakultätskolloquium - Microsystems and Cognitive Machines for Sustainable Affordable and Personalized Medicine and Health Care
Fakultätskolloquium - Resonant Force Sensing for 0.1-µε, 10-kHz Strain Sensor
Faculty Teaching Award 2014
FAM-Förderpreis für Dr. Maximilian Focke, Dr. Felix v. Stetten und Dr. Claas Müller
FAM Leuchtturm Vortrag von Dr. Franz Lärmer, Robert Bosch GmbH
Fast wie lebendes Gewebe
Electricity from Waste Water
Ruling out errors in computer programs
Award ceremony of the degree certificates and Summer party
Adipose analysis on microfluidic chips
On screen: discover the portable lab in a movie at - the European Research Media Center
Filmclips und Interaktion: Freiburger Forscher gestalten Theaterprojekt SUPERKÖRPER
Fingers Made of Laser Light: Controlled Grabbing and Rotation of Biological Micro-Objects
Close Proximity that Generates Energy
Flying Lab for Blood Analysis
Forschungsantrag von der DFG bewilligt!
Research article about virus sample preparation on the Cover of Analyst
Research Building for Brain-Machine Interfaces
Research college for a climate-neutral building stock
Fraunhofer and the University of Freiburg are reinforcing their cooperation in continuing education
Freiburg Computer Scientist to Receive Junior Research Prize
Freiburg computer scientist advises German parliament
Freiburger Medizintechnik on Badische Zeitung
Free ride
"FreiPose" enables measurement of neuronal activity during the movement of individual body parts
FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Prostheses with Sensory Feedback
Feel what others see
Foot prostheses that give feedback
Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs
Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs - Time Encoding Techniques in Data Conversion
Gastvortrag: Lab on a Chip - or how to play the scaling laws
Gastvortrag - Research & Development Activities at Texas Instruments
Tackling bias in academia
Technology for the Brain
Gerhard Schneider served for 20 years as head of the University of Freiburg’s IT Services Department
German Country Review at the “Micromachine Summit”
Business Model "SpinDiag" Wins Award in Business Plan Competition
Gips-Schüle Young Scientist Award for Juan Francisco Martínez Sánchez
Google Faculty Research Award
Graphene super capacitors for the storage of electric energy
Graphene – from a wonder material to the application in mobile communication
The origins of roughness
Green innovation from the green city
Green Hydrogen
Green Hydrogen
Guest lecture by Dr. Yan Wong
Guest lecture by Prof. Wereley
Guest Lecture Dr. Delamarche (IBM Research Laboratory of Zurich)
Guest Lecture on "CMOS Opamp Design" by Prof. A. Baschirotto
Perfect marks for Freiburg
Hans L Merkle Foundation for Excellency in Science and Technology supports project at IMTEK Laboratory for MEMS Applications
Prof. Dr. Hans Zappe appointed Editor-in Chief for SPIE journal
Hans Zappe elected Fellow of SPIE
Hatice Ceren Ates receives Klee Prize 2022
Well done!
Welcome to the new Computer Science websites
A big welcome to our international students
A big welcome to our international students
A big welcome to our international students
A big welcome to our international students
»Nobody here thinks within fixed borders – that’s what makes work interesting!«
Help from the 3D Printer
Notice about the coronavirus / !! Teaching cancellation until April 19, 2020 !!
Hitesh Gowda receives ‘BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD’ at SPIE Photonics West 2022
Hearing thanks to light stimulation
Hollow structures in 3D
IEEE Fellow 2022
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 2018
IMBIT construction has started
Implant against High Blood Pressure
IMTEK career: Dr. Min Hu joins the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore
IMTEK careers: Christian Litterst accepts position as R&D engineer at BRAUN GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus
IMTEK careers: Dr. Markus Grumann joins Phywe as Head of R&D
IMTEK careers: Dr. Thilo Brenner joins Roche Diagnostics as a PERSPECTIVES Trainee
IMTEK careers: George Danzer starts his career as a professional poker player
IMTEK careers: Oliver Gutmann accepts a PostDoc position at Roche in Basel
IMTEK careers: Remigius Niekrawietz accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
IMTEK careers: Rolf Kaack accepts position as Project Leader at Robert Bosch GmbH in Reutlingen
IMTEK careers: Thomas Glatzel accepts position as R&D engineer at BRAUN GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus
IMTEK careers: Timo Lindemann accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
IMTEK careers: Wolfgang Streule joins BioFluidix GmbH as R&D Engineer
IMTEK / Lab careers: Dr. Maximilian Focke accepts position as R&D engineer at QIAGEN GmbH Hilden
IMTEK / Lab careers: Juergen Steigert accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
IMTEK / Lab careers: Kiril Kalkandjiev accepts position as R&D engineer with Berliner Glas KGaA
IMTEK "On Air"
IMTEK Professoren bilden neue Institutsleitung am HSG-IMIT
IMTEK-professors appointed as new directors of HSG-IMIT
Lab for MEMS Applications wolcomes two Humboldt fellows from China
IMTEK-Research Day: Small chair plays big!
IMTEK student wins „Best student paper award“ awarded at ISOT 2012
IMTEK Student receives Best Poster Award at the IEEE MEMS 2013 der IEEE MEMS 2013 ausgezeichnetsgezeichnet
In the test tube instead of under the knife
Deception in the Depths
Computer scientist receives award for dissertation
Computer scientist wins 2019 Südwestmetall Prize
Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses
"Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology" is ceremoniously handed over
Intelligent, Clever, and with Moral Behavior
Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel
Intelligent Distribution
International Student Conference on Microtechnology 2014
International Student Conference on Microtechnology
International Summer School on Microtechnology (Furtwangen, Germany)
Interview in SWR2 Impuls
Invited to the Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Reports
University of Freiburg’s IT security management certified by TÜV SÜD
JALA 2016 Author’s Choice Award for André Gross and Co-Authors
Juan Ordonez affiliated to the DFG Workshop “Neurosensory Systems” for Early Career Investigators
Juan Ordonez won 3rd prize in VDE (DGBMT) poster competition 2012 in Jena
The Young Academy for Sustainability Research has been launched
Encouraging young talents
Cold Plasma Battles Bacteria
Kaustubh Banerjee receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
Bactericidal layer fights hospital acquired infections
Honey, I shrunk the coils
Keynote talk
Klee award 2017 - Second place for Frederick Pothof
Small pumps, high performance
A small, sharp eye
Compact radar takes an inside view
Complex systems far from equilibrium
Better and Faster Diagnosis of Diseases
Artificial intelligence beats human experts
Artificial intelligence beats human experts again
Artificial Intelligence and Street Art
Lab-career: PD Dr. Jens Ducrée accepts professorship at Biomedical Diagnostics Institute at Dublin City University
Lab-careers: Dr. Martina Daub accepts position at Robert Bosch GmbH
Lab Tour 2004
Are you running or stumbling?
Landeslehrpreis 2010 geht an IMTEK Professor Yiannos Manoli
State funds the development of a rapid test for the coronavirus
Long Night of Sciences, July 24, 2015
Saving lives and money
LED lamps: less energy, more light
Education and Research at INATECH
Lehrstuhl für Mikroelektronik beteiligt sich am Graduiertenkolleg "Embedded Microsystems"
Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik veranstaltet am 22./23. März den Workshop Analogschaltungen 2007
Performance test for neural interfaces
Conductive polymers in neural interfaces
Lernen im Web: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yiannos Manoli erhält Fellowship für innovative Online-Plattform
Humans learn – machines do, too
Hearing Light
Lighting matrix in the ear: First use of multi-channel cochlear implants with microscale light-emitting diodes
A Light Switch inside the Brain
Lost in Translation - What ails Technology Transfer
LowEx-Bestand: Sustainable heating system for multi-family houses
"Magic" NMR in the PLoS ONE journal
Implantable Cuff with Electrodes
Marco Zimmerling Awarded 2022 ACM SIGBED
Machine-optimizing machines
Personalize your medication dosages
MEMS 2006 in Istanbul officially announced
MicRO Alliance Workshop 2016
Micro Alliance Workshop 2018
Microfluidics Roadmap for the Life Sciences now available
Mikroelektronik - Best Poster Award of the IEEE Int Conference
Micro-Copier for Genome Analysis
Fighting micropollutants with enzymes
Microsensors for cell culture monitoring
Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005 in Freiburg
Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress 2005 in Freiburg war voller Erfolg
Misha Mahowald Prize for the "Bionic Arm"
Using Gene Scissors to Detect Diseases
Using Light to Determine the Ripeness of Grapes
MNBS 2013 Presentation Award
Sustainable mobile communications
Sustainable Systems Engineering
Sustainability, Engineering, Future
Junior Researcher Awards
NAMIS International Autumn School: M.Sc. Simon Kretschmer got the best poster award
NANO CHIPS 2030 - On-Chip AI for an Efficient Data-Driven World available
Networks for the Future
New at the Faculty
New at the Faculty
New at the faculty
New at the Faculty
New at the Faculty
New at the faculty
New at the Faculty
Novel tunable mirror for miniature mirror objectives
Novel miniaturized frequency combs
New piezo actuators developed at the microactuators lab
New Probes for the Brain
New Dean Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast
New insights into the movement of pine cone scales
New semiconductor technology flies into space
New funding grant in the area of sustainable energy systems
New Dean Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul
New Dean: Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle
New Dean: Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen
New Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz
New World Record in Wireless Data Transmission
New Laboratory Building: Fraunhofer IAF celebrates groundbreaking ceremony
New Software Platform Advances Understanding of the Surface Finish of Manufactured Components
New organ-on-chip system enables precise monitoring of 3D tumour tissue outside the body
New paper published: "Properties of piezoceramic materials in high electric field actuator applications"
New Vice President of Digital Transformation
New Training Platform for Big Data Analysis
New paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
New paper in Physical Review Materials
Staying Curious
Neural Prosthesis Live Webinar
Neurotechnology in the Pub
New frontiers in Quantum Cascade Lasers: Single mode, High Power, Broadband Tuning, Beam engineering
New Journal: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
Mandatory mask-wearing on campus
Optofluidic router featured in Nature Photonics
OSA Hot Topics: Integrated Frequency Combs
Patients with brain implants and magnetic resonance tomography
Patented connections for neuroimplants
Pengpeng Zhao receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
Personalized antibiotic treatment
Innovation Challenge "Energy-efficient AI-System"
Poster Award for Dr Dennis Plachta in VDE poster competition
Precise aspherical lenses from common lab tools
Prizes for outstanding teaching ideas
Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS 2017
Winner of the Hojjat Adeli Award for Outstanding Contributions in Neural Systems
ACM Names 71 Fellows for Computing Advances that are Driving Innovation
Prof. Boris Murmann of Stanford University is guest professor at the Chair of Microelectronics at IMTEK
New Dean Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning appointed to Expert Council on Climate Issues
Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kuhl - New Director of the Laboratory for Microelectronics
Prof.-Dr. Ing. Y. Manoli übernimmt mit zwei Kollegen die Führung beim HSG-IMIT
Thomas Mann Fellowship 2018 awarded to Prof. Dr. Manoli
Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle wird neuer Institutsleiter des IMTEK
New Director: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe
Prof. Dr. Weidlich elected as executive board member of the Smart Grids platform BW
New Dean Prof. Yiannos Manoli
Professor Yiannos Manoli has been named an IEEE Life Fellow
Lab for Materials Processing is practicing for Hollywood
Prof. Gerald Urban elected as DFG Review Board member
Prof. Gerald Urban elected as EAMBES-Fellow
Prof. Gerald Urban is IEEE Senior Member
Prof. Manoli is pleased to invite you to the guest lecture of Mr. Pavel Livshits, Freescale Semiconductor; Bar Ilan University, Israel
Senate Elects Two New Vice Rectors
Prof. Gerald Urban named as speaker of DFG-Board "Systems Engineering"
Prof. Wolfram Burgard elevated to IEEE Fellow
Prof. Zengerle wird Mitglied im BMBF-Strategiekreis „Mikrosystemtechnik und Systemintegration“
Project website online
Publication by Sandeep K. Vashist in Chemical Reviews (IF 45.7)
Publication in Nature Photonics – Bacterium in a Laser Trap
New paper on adaptive axicons chosen for IOPselect
Space for researching man-machine interfaces
REACH: safe handling of lll-V compound semiconductors
Recent Review on “Microfluidic Platforms” selected as cover story for “Lab on a Chip”
Cleanroom Service Center under new management
Review Article on the Cover of Advanced Functional Materials
Review Article on the Cover of Trends in Biotechnology
Review Paper: In Vivo Biosensors
Robot Competition 2015 - the winners
Exchange Program in Robotics with the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Roland Zengerle Receives Certificate from National Academy of Sciences
Ronak Shah receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
Rotating blue laser light reveals unimagined dynamics in living cells
Micro-optics receives the 2013 Rudolf Kingslake Medal
Soft Probing with Optical Tweezers
No sugar coating, but sweet nonetheless
Jewelry made from synthetic diamond
Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
Faster and more effective scene understanding
Rapid Detection of Malaria
Step by Step Toward Safe Autonomous Driving
Science Day with Robert Bosch GmbH
Sensor network in the forest to improve forecasts of climate change impacts
Sept. 26th/27th - Workshop on Cadence IC 6.1.5
CRC (Collaborative Research Centre) "Planar Optronic Systems" kick-off event
Self-Shedding Surfaces
Signals for Life - Podcast
Making solar cells commercially viable for everyday use
"spicy Voltsim" gewinnt den 1. Platz beim Medienpreis der Universität
Spindiag launches PCR rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2
Glass injection molding
Optimum performance for life science microscopy
Family Trees for Virus
Strong Microactuators‘ presence at the MST congress
Meeting the Demand for Specialists
Strong presence on the EMBC 2018
Winter semester / Classroom-Based Teaching To Be Interrupted
Green light for the »Sustainability Performance Center«
Green Light for Galaxy Europe
StarTube wins IMTEK Best Poster Award 2008
"Silent mutations" impacting cancer cells
Electricity from Blood Sugar
Contactless current measurement
Student Team of IMTEK awarded Engibous Price of Texas Instruments
Student Team of IMTEK awarded Engibous Price of Texas Instruments
Achieving study goals through self-reflection
Sustainability Talks 2019/20 started
Making synthetic diamond crystals in a plasma reactor
Tablet computers for the visually impaired
On the way to the optical cochlear implant
Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics
Technology transfer award for PCR rapid test device for infection diagnostics
Participation at "Actuator 18" Conference
The Eyes have it - New imaging concept attracts attention
Thomas Mann Fellowship - Presentations, seminars & interviews
Titelstory in Lab-on-a-Chip
Focus on transfer
Translational research
Two Papers published in Optics Express
Regaining language via brain signals
Ultrasound Connects
Ultrafast adaptive lenses using piezo-glass membranes
Controversial Helpers
Universität Freiburg vergibt Namensprofessur an Lehrstuhl für Mikroelektronik
University of Freiburg postpones the start of the semester
University of Freiburg collaborates with Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
VDI Sponsorship Award 2013
VDI Sponsorship Award 2015
VDI Sponsorship Award 2014
Responsible artificial intelligence
Improving the stability of electrode arrays
Reliable prediction
Verleihung des FAM-Preises an Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jens Ducrée
Visions became reality!
Learning from Relatives
Talk at Summer School, 3 September 2018
Talk at Summer School
Vortrag: Karsten Kraiczek, Agilent Technologies GmbH: Entwicklung und Fertigung mikrofluidischer Systeme für die nano HPLC sowie deren Anwendung
Was das Herz begehrt - Implantierbare Glukosebrennstoffzellen könnten Herzschrittmacher dauerhaft mit Energie versorgen – Erleichterung für Patienten
Changes on campus
"What do you want, new hand?"
The interaction between particles and lung cells
Another Endowed Chair at IMTEK
World champions in automatic machine learning (Auto ML)
Where research meets science: the »IMTEK Research Day«
When life sciences become data sciences
Contribution to green hydrogen technology: Hien Nguyen receives two prizes for her research on improved hydrogen fuel cells
How a computer determines movements in videos
How do we get away from oil?
The winter semester under the portent of corona
We congratulate
We design the future
Scientific Infrastructure for Virus Research
Wolfgang-Gentner-Award 2014 for Young Researchers
Wolfgang-Gentner-Award for Young Researchers
Wolfram Burgard heads leading robotics club
Zehn Jahre Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik in Freiburg
Analyzing and Interpreting Cell Data
Staying Home Helps
The Future of Academic Publishing
Teaching for the future
Pioneering results: human tissue from the printer
Back to the Lab
Reliable implants through standardized cleaning
One million euros – twice!
Two new attractive AI-Junior Professorships in the Faculty of Engineering
Two new books on energy harvesting interfaces published
Two new project starts
Second place at the Klee Prize 2022
Prof. Anke Weidlich becomes a member of the Federal Government's Expert Commission on Energy Transition Monitoring
THE-Ranking: The University of Freiburg has been named one of the top ten German universities
Making CO2 usable - high-resolution neutron images show potential for improvement in CO2 electrolysis
New international sustainability ranking: The University of Freiburg ranks third nationwide
Young Scientists' Awards again go to scientists at the Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH)
Meeting and networking together in Freiburg
New professorship at the Faculty of Engineering strengthens Freiburg's position in the fields of embedded systems and digital health
Review Article on the Cover of Nature Reviews Materials
Wolfgang-Gentner Young Scientist Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
Leading Swiss laboratory equipment manufacturer Hamilton Bonaduz AG buys Freiburg-based microfluidic technology company BioFluidix GmbH
Sustainability Talks 2022/23
CHE Ranking 2022 for Master's degree programs: University of Freiburg in the top group for electrical and information engineering and psychology
Awarded Editor´s Choice
SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors
Promoting young research talents and sustainable technologies
„Wilde“ Christmas Lecture
Neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex
Brain phantom for epilepsy treatment
Lester F. Eastman Award for Prof. Ambacher
Spin-off nominated as high potential start-up
Merry X-mas
Digital Health Research Night on 31.01.2023
Putin's army of trolls
Alumni Award of the Faculty of Engineering
First ECOSENSE seminar
The robots are starting again
The uptake of bacteria in cells
Nomination for the AI Newcomer Award
Actome GmbH nominated as high potential startup by the European Innovation Council (EIC)
Ready, steady, go!
Well done students!
NFDI4Energy successfully started
Sustainable heating of Multifamily Houses
University of Freiburg establishes Eva Mayr-Stihl Chair for Multi-Scale Characterization of Materials Systems
New Research Project
Postdoc at IMTEK receives GAMM doctoral award
2.5 million euros in funding for hydrogen innovations
MBMV 2023 at the Faculty of Engineering
Innovation Driver Microelectronics
Next steps for nanopore technology
IMTEK researcher wins Best Paper Award
Journal of Neuroscience: Art Work asTitle Page
Function follows Form in Neuronal Networks
Freiburg researcher at the Department of Computer Science receives the AI Newcomer Award
Südwestmetall Award for IMTEK Scientist
Tenure-track professorship for Soft Machines established at the Department of Microsystems Engineering
Highly conformable implants for neural applications
New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing
The new Collaborative Research Centre "Small Data"
Remanufacturing: Better than new!
Digital Health Research Night on 28.06.2023
Project BioFINE to improve bionic prostheses
Machine quality assurance for software
Robots that navigate and interact with AI
Researchers at the Department of Computer Science win Best Paper Award
Data Wonderland
Future anode material for lithium-ion batteries?
The Faculty of Engineering presents itself
New Tenure-Track Professor Taking Over the Sensors Laboratory at the Department of Microsystems Engineering
Personal View in Lancet Infectious Diseases
Mind Art Technology
Prof. Bastian Rapp in interview
Prof. Frank Balle in interview
Atom Probe Tomography
Prof. Edoardo Milana in interview
First workshop BioNT
Research team at the University of Freiburg reveals hidden particle interactions at the cell surface
Prof. Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin in interview
Data Wonderland - An interactive festival
Apl. Prof. Felix von Stetten in interview
Freiburg’s potentiostat on the cover of Analytical Chemistry
Prof. Hans Zappe in interview
More stable stance through bone anchoring
Awards at the Department of Computer Science
Prof. Alwin Daus in interview
ionysis GmbH wins f-cell award 2023, category "start up"
New Dean at the Faculty of Engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Balle
Celebrating 10 years of empowering women
Let's science
H. Ceren Ates honored with Women Interactive Materials Award
Stage free for the Faculty of Engineering
Wolfgang-Gentner-Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
Environmental Technology Award Baden-Württemberg 2023
Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Mayr young talent awards
MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2023
BMT at the Science Days 2023
This year's Wolfgang Gentner Young Investigator Award goes to Dr. Maria Kalweit, Department of Computer Science
Successful placement in the 2023 COSIMA competition
Pure woman power
Soft robotics and sensor technology
German Physical Society honors physicist at INATECH
Björn Grüning, Department of Computer Science, is one of the most-cited researchers in the world
Intelligent Embedded Systems
Renewable Energy Day Freiburg
Black Forest Nanopore Meeting 2023
ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Dr. Oliver Höhn at the University of Freiburg
Containing the risks of new technologies without hampering innovation
Sustainable solutions for a green future
Christmas Lecture 2023
Season’s Greetings
The next generation of AI algorithms for automated driving
Wearable Computing and Digital Twins
Digital Health Research Night on 31.01.2024
Prof. Amft in an interview with the Badische Zeitung
System Design Projekt 2024: Meet the robots!
The call of the Black Forest
Outstanding students honoured
Harvesting the Skies With Flying Wind Farms
European Galaxy Server in Freiburg
The robots have captured our hearts
Genetic blueprints of 51 animal species decoded
Analysis and mobilisation of publicly available SARS-CoV-2 data to combat the pandemic
ELIZA Master’s Scholarship
It's International Women's Day on March 8th!
Prof. Andreas Podelski erhält 1,15 Millionen Euro
How surface roughness influences the adhesion of soft materials
Finissage of the campaign „womenSHAPINGknowledge“
Women SHAPING Knowledge: Jasmin-Clara Bürger
Women SHAPING Knowledge: Sonia Dsoke
Women SHAPING Knowledge: Gresa Shala
"Was geht?" How’s it going?
ECOSENSE research project
IMTEK is successfully represented at microTEC Cluster Conference 2024
Women SHAPING Knowledge: Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin
SV-COMP competition
Humboldt Grant at the University of Oxford for Jasmin-Clara Bürger
Graduation ceremony 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering
Freiburg scientist publishes in Nature Reviews Methods Primers
First Startup BBQ at the Faculty of Engineering
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Intelligenz zum Anfassen
Revisiting Protein Lattice Models in the Era of Quantum Computing
Exclusive company tour at Bosch Sensortec
Käpsele Innovation Festival
Informatica feminale at the Faculty of Engineering
Digital Health Research Night on 3rd July, 2024
First Startup BBQ at the Faculty
Informatica feminale Baden Württemberg
Strengthening international cooperation
SENSOR+TEST trade fair in Nuremberg
Company excursion to Bosch
Day of the Faculty 12.07.2024
Renewable Energy Day Freiburg 2024
Thoughts on mind reading with neurotechnical implants
Ask Us Anything about Galaxy
Milestone reached: access 400 tutorials about data analysis for free
Prof. Dr. Armin Biere receives the Herbrand Award
Next date: Was geht? How's it going?
Graduation Ceremony Master's students and PhDs
Käpsele Innovation Festival 2024
Successful spin-off from micro-optics at IMTEK achieves great success
Award at the Department of Computer Science
Faculty party 2024
Prof. Thomas Stieglitz on Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI)
Sponsorship award from the Foundation for Energy Informatics
Alpine Verification Meeting
Our new Instagram channel
Glassomer: Innovation meets luxury at Boucheron
Faculty of Engineering welcomes new Bachelor's and Master's students
Milestone for the Faculty of Engineering
A successful start
Kissat triumphs in the SAT 2024 competition
Bertha-Ottenstein Prize for Gender Equality and Diversity Awarded to kite mentoring
Meeting of expert group of micromedical technology
Award for Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schiffmacher and Sebastián Rivero Equiza in the field of sustainable energy engineering
Exclusive company tour at Bosch Research
Smarte Krankentrage LAMBDA revolutioniert die Notfallmedizin
Digital Health Research Night on 29th January, 2025
PhotonMed: 32-million-euro project to accelerate innovation in medical technology
Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, INATECH, receives ERC Consolidator Grant
Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Faculty of Engineering Alumni Prize 2024 awarded
Winter excursion to the Black Forest
Excitement and Innovation at the System Design Project Robotics Competition
Practice meets Theory: Focus on Innovative Sensor Technology
Invitation to the graduation ceremony
New Deep Learning Cluster at the University of Freiburg
ZwickRoell roadshow truck at the Faculty of Engineering
New image brochure of the Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer Science
Computer Architecture
Algorithms and Complexity
Intelligent Embedded Systems
Software Engineering
Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK
MEMS Applications
Assembly and Packaging Technology
Bio- and Nanophotonics
Biomedical Microtechnology
Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces
Electrical Instrumentation and Embedded Systems
Thin-film Gas Sensors
Georg H. Endress Chair for Smart Systems Integration
Design of Microsystems
Microsystem Materials
Microsystems for Biomedical Imaging Laboratory
Gisela and Erwin Sick Chair of Micro-optics
Micro & Materials Mechanics
Modeling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits
Optical Systems
Process Technology
Compound Semiconductor Microsystems
Materials Processing Technology
ElectroActive Coatings
Polymer Synthesis and Surface Engineering
Bioinspired Materials for Biomedical Engineering
Disposable Microsystems
Clean Room Service Center
Mechanical Micro-Production Service Center
Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering - INATECH
Photovoltaic Energyconversion
Sustainable Systems Engineering
Power Electronics
Monitoring of Large-Scale Structures
Control and Integration of Grids
Solar Energy Systems
Power Ultrasonics and Engineering of Functional Materials
Resilience Engineering
Energy-Efficient High Frequency Electronics
Multi-Scale Characterization of Materials Systems
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