The "tuned" human
Prof. Stieglitz with a brain implant for the monitoring of epilepsy diseases. Photo: Klaus Polkowski
The vision of cyborgs has changed over the decades and the idea of mind reading or enhancing the human capacity by uploading knowledge via brain-computer-interfaces has moved from science fiction novels to business models of high-techn start-up companies. ARD's iconic "W wie Wissen" magazine has assembled features on "tuned humans". Thomas Stieglitz, Professor of Biomedical Microtechnology at the IMTEK and co-spokesperson of the BrainLinks-BrainTools Center at the University of Freiburg presents the technical background on such developments and discusses promises, opportunities and technical as well as medical limitationsand societal challenges of this exciting but sometimes frightening research field of neurotechnology.
"Der getunte Mensch" has been broadcasted on April 24th, 2021 on ARD in "W wie Wissen". SWR Science Magazine "Odysso" will broadcast the feature again on May 6th, 2021.
The feature is also available online (in German) on ARD Mediathek:
Link with Prof. Stieglitz "Die Cyborgs kommen"
Link total broadcast "Der getunte Mensch"
Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz
Biomedical Microtechnology
Department of Microsystems Engineering- IMTEK
University of Freiburg
Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge