Studierende der Technischen Fakultät im Fokus.
Studierende der Technischen Fakultät im Fokus.
Networking event at the interface between medicine and technology.
Innovatives Projektteam aus Freiburg stellt im COSIMA-Wettbewerb eine intelligente Trage mit Echtzeit-Vitaldatenüberwachung vor.
Die Technische Fakultät trifft „Verbündete von Übermorgen“!
Networking event at the interface between medicine and technology
Prof. Amft speaks about the digitalization of humans
Schüler*innen erkunden die Welt der Intelligenten Eingebetteten Systeme
Portable everyday objects for medical analyses
Networking event at the interface between medicine and technology
Inspiring inaugural lecture by Prof. Oliver Amft
Invitation to the inaugural lecture by Prof. Amft
Students take part in VDE's COSIMA competition
Besuchen Sie die Technische Fakultät auf den Science Days 2023 vom 19.– 21. Oktober im Europapark Rust
The "Research Night" Digital Health will take place on 28th June 2023 from 17:30 to 19:30.
Researchers of the Project nEOdiag aims to develop fast and inexpensive analyses of amino acid sequences at the University of Freiburg
Jan 11, 2023. The first "Research Night" Digital Health will take place on 31 January 2023 between 17:30 and 19:30.
Prof. Dr. Oliver Amft has accepted the call for the professorship of intelligent embedded systems at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Freiburg and at the same time becomes the new Institute Director at the Hahn-Schickard Institute for Micro and Information Technology at the sites in Freiburg and Villingen-Schwenningen.
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