Site map
An overview of the available content on this site. Keep the pointer still over an item for a few seconds to get its description.
- A decade of online Masters' programs
- cytena received EUR 1.1 million
- 15 years Microelectronics in Freiburg
- 200,000 euros for research into sustainable energy
- 2020-2021 Freiburg-Penn State Virtual Classroom Award for Mark Fedkin and Anke Weidlich
- 2.3 Million Euros for Young Researchers
- 3D printing of small and complex components made of glass in just a few minutes
- EUR 3 million for Cytena GmbH
- 45 million euros in BMBF funding for research on nanopores for personalized medicine
- 4th International Conference on Neuroprosthetic Devices ICNPD-2012 in Freiburg, Germany
- 6.7 Million Euros for Microsystems Engineering Project
- Actome GmbH and QIAGEN announce commercial partnership
- Actome is a "TOP 50 Start-up 2019"
- Adolf Martens Prize for Dr. Can Dincer
- Advanced nanolithography for particle tracking published in Advanced Functional Materials
- Old Material – Newly Discovered
- Alumni Award 2014
- Alumni Award 2021
- Americans go IMTEK!
- Anke Weidlich on the energy crisis in Europe
- Antibiotic levels measurable in breath for first time
- Article on the Inside Front Cover of Advanced Materials
- Unlocking human-like perception in self-driving vehicles
- On the road to the prosthesis of the future
- Accurate to the decimeter
- A boost for artificial intelligence
- All Eyes on the Mantis Shrimp
- Buckling as a technical revolution
- Featured Article
- Excellent doctoral thesis
- Excellent Publication
- Excellent Publication
- Excellent Publication
- Excellent Publication
- Excellent Publication
- Excellent Publication
- Award-winning measuring technology at a nano scale
- ionysis GmbH – spin-off bringing hydrogen fuel cells to market maturity for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
- Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
- Growing and moving
- Award at the DGBMT annual conference 2021
- Award at the EMBC
- Award at the DGMBT annual conference
- Automated cell research
- Preventing Autonomous Combat Robots
- Freestyle across the field
- Back cover in Advanced Energy Materials for the combination of X-ray tomography and virtual design in battery electrodes
- Battery-free smart homes
- Tree Fungus Lets Current Flow
- Bernstein-CorTec Award
- Better Image Contrast for Microscopes
- "Best Paper Award" at ISOT 2019 – 4th Award at ISOT Conferences
- Best Paper Award for Dr. Fralett Suárez Sandoval
- Best Paper Award
- Best Poster Award for fuel cell concept
- Best Poster Award for Katrin F. Schumann
- Best Poster-Award für Matthias Kuhl bei IMTEK Postersession
- Best Presentation Award for Kaustubh Banerjee
- "Best Student Award" at ISOT 2018 for "Piezo-actuated adaptive Prisms"
- Best Young Scientist Paper Award ESSCIRC 2012
- Bilder aus der Nanowelt
- Bio-Disk ist Top10 Innovation auf der LabAutomation 2005
- BioFluidix: A New Start-Up from the Laboratory of MEMS Applications
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics Best Paper Award 2020/2021
- Up to the fingertips
- BMT poster at IFESS 2022
- Publicly traded company takes over “cytena”
- Bridge between technology and physiology
- The more colorful, the better
- Cadence European Design Contest for Students goes to team of IMTEK
- CECAM workshop
- Chair of Microelectronics awarded on the IEEE MWSCAS 2007
- Matthias Meier receives Consolidator Grant
- Christian Peters is awarded the „Wolfgang-Gentner-Nachwuchsförderpreis“ for his outstanding doctoral thesis
- Christoph Messmer wins Student Award at the European Photovoltaics Conference
- Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship
- Cochlear implant as a sensor
- COMS 2005 Poster Award goes to Thilo Brenner
- A Kaleidoscopic View of Corona
- Proof of Corona in 35 Minutes
- Cover picture Plasma Processes and Polymers
- CRISPR-Biosensor on the Cover of Advanced Materials
- DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics 2021
- Daniel Kopp receives Best Paper Award of the International Commission for Optics
- Making Machine Learning More Democratic
- Coronavirus data analysis
- DEEPER project
- Computer scientist Frank Hutter receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
- Deep Learning for All
- Deep Learning helps improve gene therapies and antiviral drugs
- The Engineered Eyeball on ARTE
- "The chipped human"
- The "tuned" human
- A breath of fresh information
- Freedom of design for 3D printing
- Design Award for High-Tech Helmet
- Detecting neurotransmitters simultaneously to electrical stimulation and recording
- Deutschlandfunk: Dr. Sven Kerzenmacher im Interview
- Successful conclusion of Phase I of the Priority Program "Active Micro-optics"
- Diamonds from the Lab
- Diamond revolutionizes optomechanics
- The brightest minds on campus
- The Community Against Covid-19
- Better understanding communication between neurons in the brain
- The power of cracks
- Micro-optics sponsors German-Chinese optics symposium
- The Faculty of Engineering is part of the European Flagsship initiative DigiTwins
- Measuring the world
- Measuring the world
- COVID-19 spurs wave of innovative diagnostics
- Donald E. Walker Distinguished Service Award goes to Professor Bernhard Nebel
- Best Poster Award MFHS 2012 for Dong Liang
- 100% success for the microactuators lab at BrainLinks-BrainTools
- New wire bonded microtransformers published
- Dr. Can Dincer joins Biosensors and Bioelectronics as an Associate Editor
- Dr. Cu-Nguyen presented Young Scientist Award from IEEE Japan
- Dr. Daniel Hiller organizes Symposium P at the Fall-EMRS 2015 in Warsaw
- Dr. Daniel Hiller organizes Symposium P at the Spring-EMRS 2017 in Strasbourg
- Dr. Jan Burchard wins 2019 Südwestmetall Prize
- Dr. M. Keller - Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
- Dr. M. Keller - Acting head of the Chair of Microelectronics from April 1st 2020
- Dr. Peter Koltay abstains from professorship at University of Rostock and continues work at IMTEK and BioFluidix GmbH
- Drucken funktionaler Materialien mittels Inkjet Printing: Gastvortrag von Dr. Werner Zapka
- Efficient gallium nitride voltage converters for energy systems of the future
- Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Bauer made Honorary Senators
- Gerda and Fritz Ruf become Honorary Senators
- Number 6 in Germany
- One Million Euros for Energy-Efficient Radio-Frequency Electronics
- One million euros for junior research group
- A quick an accurate method to determine the characteristic material parameters of PDMS
- Invited News & Views article for Nature Biomedical Engineering
- Invited News & Views article for Nature Electronics
- A Sustainable Promise
- A place for your ideas
- A new rescue signal
- A rocky road towards the optimal prosthesis?
- A storage battery for the entire world
- A storage battery for the entire world
- Elite program for postdocs
- Emma Goldman Award goes to Anelis Kaiser Trujillo
- Abhinav Valada Awarded Emmy Noether AI Grant
- Emmy Noether Funding for Adam Kortylewski
- Emmy Noether funding for Anayancy Osorio
- Energy of the future
- Smart ways to save energy
- Wireless power transfer by means of acoustic waves
- Long-term Sight on the Horizon
- Fighting Epidemics in Africa
- Erasmus Prize for Bachelor thesis on radiation sensor technology
- ERC Starting Grant for Dr. Frank Hutter
- ERC Starting Grants for Asplund and Pastewka
- Successful on the EMBC 2018
- Successful cooperation with the University of California (UCLA)
- First International Day at the Faculty
- First place in Automatic Machine Learning Challenge
- First Collaborative Research Center (SFB) at IMTEK
- ESSCIRC Best Paper Award goes to Dominic Maurath
- EUJO-LIMMS Dissemination Workshop, Oct. 25, 2013
- European Commission supports DigiTwins
- Eurosensors 2015 Conference - a huge success
- Exzellenzakademie „Materialwissenschaften und Werkstofftechnik“
- Excellence Cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools
- EXZELLENZINITIATIVE: Beteiligung des Lehrstuhls Anwendungsentwicklung
- EXZELLENZINITIATIVE: IMTEK und Informatik erfolgreich im Exzellenzcluster bioss
- Fabian Stumpf wins Best Poster Award at the Biosensors Conference 2014
- Colloquium of the Faculty of Engineering, June 13, 16:00 c.t. / Dr. Frank Hutter, Emmy Noether Research Group Lead
- Fakultätskolloquium am 31.01.2013 / Prof. Ulrich Hofmann, Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems, Universität Freiburg
- Fakultätskolloquium - From Implantable Microelectronic Devices to Modern Assistive Technologies
- Fakultätskolloquium - Microsystems and Cognitive Machines for Sustainable Affordable and Personalized Medicine and Health Care
- Fakultätskolloquium - Resonant Force Sensing for 0.1-µε, 10-kHz Strain Sensor
- Faculty Teaching Award 2014
- FAM-Förderpreis für Dr. Maximilian Focke, Dr. Felix v. Stetten und Dr. Claas Müller
- FAM Leuchtturm Vortrag von Dr. Franz Lärmer, Robert Bosch GmbH
- Fast wie lebendes Gewebe
- Electricity from Waste Water
- Ruling out errors in computer programs
- Award ceremony of the degree certificates and Summer party
- Adipose analysis on microfluidic chips
- On screen: discover the portable lab in a movie at - the European Research Media Center
- Filmclips und Interaktion: Freiburger Forscher gestalten Theaterprojekt SUPERKÖRPER
- Fingers Made of Laser Light: Controlled Grabbing and Rotation of Biological Micro-Objects
- Close Proximity that Generates Energy
- Flying Lab for Blood Analysis
- Forschungsantrag von der DFG bewilligt!
- Research article about virus sample preparation on the Cover of Analyst
- Research Building for Brain-Machine Interfaces
- Research college for a climate-neutral building stock
- Fraunhofer and the University of Freiburg are reinforcing their cooperation in continuing education
- Freiburg Computer Scientist to Receive Junior Research Prize
- Freiburg computer scientist advises German parliament
- Freiburger Medizintechnik on Badische Zeitung
- Free ride
- "FreiPose" enables measurement of neuronal activity during the movement of individual body parts
- FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
- Prostheses with Sensory Feedback
- Feel what others see
- Foot prostheses that give feedback
- Gast-Vortrag
- Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs
- Gastvortrag im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs - Time Encoding Techniques in Data Conversion
- Gastvortrag: Lab on a Chip - or how to play the scaling laws
- Gastvortrag - Research & Development Activities at Texas Instruments
- Tackling bias in academia
- Technology for the Brain
- Gerhard Schneider served for 20 years as head of the University of Freiburg’s IT Services Department
- German Country Review at the “Micromachine Summit”
- Business Model "SpinDiag" Wins Award in Business Plan Competition
- Gips-Schüle Young Scientist Award for Juan Francisco Martínez Sánchez
- Congratulation!
- Google Faculty Research Award
- Graphene super capacitors for the storage of electric energy
- Graphene – from a wonder material to the application in mobile communication
- The origins of roughness
- Green innovation from the green city
- Green Hydrogen
- Green Hydrogen
- Guest lecture by Dr. Yan Wong
- Guest lecture by Prof. Wereley
- Guest Lecture Dr. Delamarche (IBM Research Laboratory of Zurich)
- Guest-lecture
- Guest Lecture on "CMOS Opamp Design" by Prof. A. Baschirotto
- Perfect marks for Freiburg
- Hans L Merkle Foundation for Excellency in Science and Technology supports project at IMTEK Laboratory for MEMS Applications
- Prof. Dr. Hans Zappe appointed Editor-in Chief for SPIE journal
- Hans Zappe elected Fellow of SPIE
- Hatice Ceren Ates receives Klee Prize 2022
- Well done!
- Welcome to the new Computer Science websites
- A big welcome to our international students
- A big welcome to our international students
- A big welcome to our international students
- A big welcome to our international students
- »Nobody here thinks within fixed borders – that’s what makes work interesting!«
- Help from the 3D Printer
- Notice about the coronavirus / !! Teaching cancellation until April 19, 2020 !!
- Hitesh Gowda receives ‘BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD’ at SPIE Photonics West 2022
- Hearing thanks to light stimulation
- Hollow structures in 3D
- IEEE Fellow 2022
- IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 2018
- IMBIT construction has started
- Implant against High Blood Pressure
- IMTEK career: Dr. Min Hu joins the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore
- IMTEK careers: Christian Litterst accepts position as R&D engineer at BRAUN GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus
- IMTEK careers: Dr. Markus Grumann joins Phywe as Head of R&D
- IMTEK careers: Dr. Thilo Brenner joins Roche Diagnostics as a PERSPECTIVES Trainee
- IMTEK careers: George Danzer starts his career as a professional poker player
- IMTEK careers: Oliver Gutmann accepts a PostDoc position at Roche in Basel
- IMTEK careers: Remigius Niekrawietz accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
- IMTEK careers: Rolf Kaack accepts position as Project Leader at Robert Bosch GmbH in Reutlingen
- IMTEK careers: Thomas Glatzel accepts position as R&D engineer at BRAUN GmbH in Kronberg/Taunus
- IMTEK careers: Timo Lindemann accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
- IMTEK careers: Wolfgang Streule joins BioFluidix GmbH as R&D Engineer
- IMTEK / Lab careers: Dr. Maximilian Focke accepts position as R&D engineer at QIAGEN GmbH Hilden
- IMTEK / Lab careers: Juergen Steigert accepts position as R&D engineer at Robert Bosch GmbH in Stuttgart
- IMTEK / Lab careers: Kiril Kalkandjiev accepts position as R&D engineer with Berliner Glas KGaA
- IMTEK "On Air"
- IMTEK Professoren bilden neue Institutsleitung am HSG-IMIT
- IMTEK-professors appointed as new directors of HSG-IMIT
- Lab for MEMS Applications wolcomes two Humboldt fellows from China
- IMTEK-Research Day: Small chair plays big!
- IMTEK student wins „Best student paper award“ awarded at ISOT 2012
- IMTEK Student receives Best Poster Award at the IEEE MEMS 2013 der IEEE MEMS 2013 ausgezeichnetsgezeichnet
- In the test tube instead of under the knife
- Deception in the Depths
- Computer scientist receives award for dissertation
- Computer scientist wins 2019 Südwestmetall Prize
- Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses
- "Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology" is ceremoniously handed over
- Intelligent, Clever, and with Moral Behavior
- Intelligent Aircraft Wings Could Save Fuel
- Intelligent Distribution
- International Student Conference on Microtechnology 2014
- International Student Conference on Microtechnology
- International Summer School on Microtechnology (Furtwangen, Germany)
- Interview in SWR2 Impuls
- Invited to the Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Reports
- University of Freiburg’s IT security management certified by TÜV SÜD
- JALA 2016 Author’s Choice Award for André Gross and Co-Authors
- Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Prize
- Juan Ordonez affiliated to the DFG Workshop “Neurosensory Systems” for Early Career Investigators
- Juan Ordonez won 3rd prize in VDE (DGBMT) poster competition 2012 in Jena
- The Young Academy for Sustainability Research has been launched
- Encouraging young talents
- Cold Plasma Battles Bacteria
- Kaustubh Banerjee receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
- Bactericidal layer fights hospital acquired infections
- Honey, I shrunk the coils
- Keynote talk
- Klee award 2017 - Second place for Frederick Pothof
- Small pumps, high performance
- A small, sharp eye
- Compact radar takes an inside view
- Complex systems far from equilibrium
- Better and Faster Diagnosis of Diseases
- Artificial intelligence beats human experts
- Artificial intelligence beats human experts again
- Artificial Intelligence and Street Art
- Lab-career: PD Dr. Jens Ducrée accepts professorship at Biomedical Diagnostics Institute at Dublin City University
- Lab-careers: Dr. Martina Daub accepts position at Robert Bosch GmbH
- Lab Tour 2004
- Are you running or stumbling?
- Landeslehrpreis 2010 geht an IMTEK Professor Yiannos Manoli
- State funds the development of a rapid test for the coronavirus
- Long Night of Sciences, July 24, 2015
- Saving lives and money
- LED lamps: less energy, more light
- Education and Research at INATECH
- Lehrstuhl für Mikroelektronik beteiligt sich am Graduiertenkolleg "Embedded Microsystems"
- Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik veranstaltet am 22./23. März den Workshop Analogschaltungen 2007
- Performance test for neural interfaces
- Conductive polymers in neural interfaces
- Lernen im Web: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yiannos Manoli erhält Fellowship für innovative Online-Plattform
- Humans learn – machines do, too
- Hearing Light
- Lighting matrix in the ear: First use of multi-channel cochlear implants with microscale light-emitting diodes
- A Light Switch inside the Brain
- Lost in Translation - What ails Technology Transfer
- LowEx-Bestand: Sustainable heating system for multi-family houses
- "Magic" NMR in the PLoS ONE journal
- Implantable Cuff with Electrodes
- Marco Zimmerling Awarded 2022 ACM SIGBED
- Machine-optimizing machines
- Personalize your medication dosages
- MEMS 2006 in Istanbul officially announced
- MicRO Alliance Workshop 2016
- Micro Alliance Workshop 2018
- Microfluidics Roadmap for the Life Sciences now available
- Mikroelektronik - Best Poster Award of the IEEE Int Conference
- Micro-Copier for Genome Analysis
- Fighting micropollutants with enzymes
- Microsensors for cell culture monitoring
- Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2005 in Freiburg
- Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress 2005 in Freiburg war voller Erfolg
- Misha Mahowald Prize for the "Bionic Arm"
- Using Gene Scissors to Detect Diseases
- Using Light to Determine the Ripeness of Grapes
- MNBS 2013 Presentation Award
- Sustainable mobile communications
- Sustainable Systems Engineering
- Sustainability, Engineering, Future
- Junior Researcher Awards
- NAMIS International Autumn School: M.Sc. Simon Kretschmer got the best poster award
- NANO CHIPS 2030 - On-Chip AI for an Efficient Data-Driven World available
- Networks for the Future
- New at the Faculty
- New at the Faculty
- New at the faculty
- New at the Faculty
- New at the Faculty
- New at the faculty
- New at the Faculty
- Novel tunable mirror for miniature mirror objectives
- Novel miniaturized frequency combs
- New piezo actuators developed at the microactuators lab
- New Probes for the Brain
- New Dean Prof. Dr. Hannah Bast
- New insights into the movement of pine cone scales
- New semiconductor technology flies into space
- New funding grant in the area of sustainable energy systems
- New Dean Prof. Dr. Oliver Paul
- New Dean: Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle
- New Dean: Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen
- New Director: Prof. Dr. Thomas Stieglitz
- New World Record in Wireless Data Transmission
- New Laboratory Building: Fraunhofer IAF celebrates groundbreaking ceremony
- New Software Platform Advances Understanding of the Surface Finish of Manufactured Components
- New organ-on-chip system enables precise monitoring of 3D tumour tissue outside the body
- New paper published: "Properties of piezoceramic materials in high electric field actuator applications"
- New Vice President of Digital Transformation
- New Training Platform for Big Data Analysis
- New paper in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- New paper in Physical Review Materials
- Staying Curious
- Neural Prosthesis Live Webinar
- Neurotechnology in the Pub
- New frontiers in Quantum Cascade Lasers: Single mode, High Power, Broadband Tuning, Beam engineering
- New Journal: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
- Mandatory mask-wearing on campus
- Optofluidic router featured in Nature Photonics
- OSA Hot Topics: Integrated Frequency Combs
- Patients with brain implants and magnetic resonance tomography
- Patented connections for neuroimplants
- Pengpeng Zhao receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
- Personalized antibiotic treatment
- Innovation Challenge "Energy-efficient AI-System"
- Poster Award for Dr Dennis Plachta in VDE poster competition
- Precise aspherical lenses from common lab tools
- Prizes for outstanding teaching ideas
- Best Paper Award at VRIPHYS 2017
- Winner of the Hojjat Adeli Award for Outstanding Contributions in Neural Systems
- ACM Names 71 Fellows for Computing Advances that are Driving Innovation
- Prof. Boris Murmann of Stanford University is guest professor at the Chair of Microelectronics at IMTEK
- New Dean Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning appointed to Expert Council on Climate Issues
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Kuhl - New Director of the Laboratory for Microelectronics
- Prof.-Dr. Ing. Y. Manoli übernimmt mit zwei Kollegen die Führung beim HSG-IMIT
- Thomas Mann Fellowship 2018 awarded to Prof. Dr. Manoli
- Prof. Dr. Roland Zengerle wird neuer Institutsleiter des IMTEK
- New Director: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wallrabe
- Prof. Dr. Weidlich elected as executive board member of the Smart Grids platform BW
- New Dean Prof. Yiannos Manoli
- Professor Yiannos Manoli has been named an IEEE Life Fellow
- Lab for Materials Processing is practicing for Hollywood
- Prof. Gerald Urban elected as DFG Review Board member
- Prof. Gerald Urban elected as EAMBES-Fellow
- Prof. Gerald Urban is IEEE Senior Member
- Prof. Manoli is pleased to invite you to the guest lecture of Mr. Pavel Livshits, Freescale Semiconductor; Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Senate Elects Two New Vice Rectors
- Prof. Gerald Urban named as speaker of DFG-Board "Systems Engineering"
- Prof. Wolfram Burgard elevated to IEEE Fellow
- Prof. Zengerle wird Mitglied im BMBF-Strategiekreis „Mikrosystemtechnik und Systemintegration“
- Project website online
- Publication by Sandeep K. Vashist in Chemical Reviews (IF 45.7)
- Publication in Nature Photonics – Bacterium in a Laser Trap
- New paper on adaptive axicons chosen for IOPselect
- Space for researching man-machine interfaces
- REACH: safe handling of lll-V compound semiconductors
- Recent Review on “Microfluidic Platforms” selected as cover story for “Lab on a Chip”
- Cleanroom Service Center under new management
- Review Article on the Cover of Advanced Functional Materials
- Review Article on the Cover of Trends in Biotechnology
- Review Paper: In Vivo Biosensors
- Robot Competition 2015 - the winners
- Exchange Program in Robotics with the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
- Roland Zengerle Receives Certificate from National Academy of Sciences
- Ronak Shah receives Best Paper Award at Photonics West
- Rotating blue laser light reveals unimagined dynamics in living cells
- Micro-optics receives the 2013 Rudolf Kingslake Medal
- Soft Probing with Optical Tweezers
- No sugar coating, but sweet nonetheless
- Jewelry made from synthetic diamond
- Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
- Faster and more effective scene understanding
- Rapid Detection of Malaria
- Step by Step Toward Safe Autonomous Driving
- Science Day with Robert Bosch GmbH
- Sensor network in the forest to improve forecasts of climate change impacts
- Sept. 26th/27th - Workshop on Cadence IC 6.1.5
- CRC (Collaborative Research Centre) "Planar Optronic Systems" kick-off event
- Self-Shedding Surfaces
- Signals for Life - Podcast
- Making solar cells commercially viable for everyday use
- "spicy Voltsim" gewinnt den 1. Platz beim Medienpreis der Universität
- Spindiag launches PCR rapid tests for SARS-CoV-2
- Glass injection molding
- Optimum performance for life science microscopy
- Family Trees for Virus
- Strong Microactuators‘ presence at the MST congress
- Meeting the Demand for Specialists
- Strong presence on the EMBC 2018
- Winter semester / Classroom-Based Teaching To Be Interrupted
- Green light for the »Sustainability Performance Center«
- Green Light for Galaxy Europe
- StarTube wins IMTEK Best Poster Award 2008
- "Silent mutations" impacting cancer cells
- Electricity from Blood Sugar
- Contactless current measurement
- Student Team of IMTEK awarded Engibous Price of Texas Instruments
- Student Team of IMTEK awarded Engibous Price of Texas Instruments
- Achieving study goals through self-reflection
- Sustainability Talks 2019/20 started
- Making synthetic diamond crystals in a plasma reactor
- Tablet computers for the visually impaired
- On the way to the optical cochlear implant
- Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics
- Technology transfer award for PCR rapid test device for infection diagnostics
- Participation at "Actuator 18" Conference
- The Eyes have it - New imaging concept attracts attention
- Thomas Mann Fellowship - Presentations, seminars & interviews
- Titelstory in Lab-on-a-Chip
- Focus on transfer
- Translational research
- Two Papers published in Optics Express
- Regaining language via brain signals
- Ultrasound Connects
- Ultrafast adaptive lenses using piezo-glass membranes
- Controversial Helpers
- Universität Freiburg vergibt Namensprofessur an Lehrstuhl für Mikroelektronik
- University of Freiburg postpones the start of the semester
- University of Freiburg collaborates with Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence
- VDI Sponsorship Award 2013
- VDI Sponsorship Award 2015
- VDI Sponsorship Award 2014
- Responsible artificial intelligence
- Improving the stability of electrode arrays
- Reliable prediction
- Verleihung des FAM-Preises an Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jens Ducrée
- Visions became reality!
- Learning from Relatives
- Talk at Summer School, 3 September 2018
- Talk at Summer School
- Vortrag: Karsten Kraiczek, Agilent Technologies GmbH: Entwicklung und Fertigung mikrofluidischer Systeme für die nano HPLC sowie deren Anwendung
- Was das Herz begehrt - Implantierbare Glukosebrennstoffzellen könnten Herzschrittmacher dauerhaft mit Energie versorgen – Erleichterung für Patienten
- Changes on campus
- "What do you want, new hand?"
- The interaction between particles and lung cells
- Another Endowed Chair at IMTEK
- World champions in automatic machine learning (Auto ML)
- Where research meets science: the »IMTEK Research Day«
- When life sciences become data sciences
- Contribution to green hydrogen technology: Hien Nguyen receives two prizes for her research on improved hydrogen fuel cells
- How a computer determines movements in videos
- How do we get away from oil?
- The winter semester under the portent of corona
- We congratulate
- We design the future
- Scientific Infrastructure for Virus Research
- Wolfgang-Gentner-Award 2014 for Young Researchers
- Wolfgang-Gentner-Award for Young Researchers
- Wolfram Burgard heads leading robotics club
- Zehn Jahre Lehrstuhl Mikroelektronik in Freiburg
- Analyzing and Interpreting Cell Data
- Staying Home Helps
- The Future of Academic Publishing
- Teaching for the future
- Pioneering results: human tissue from the printer
- Back to the Lab
- Reliable implants through standardized cleaning
- One million euros – twice!
- Two new attractive AI-Junior Professorships in the Faculty of Engineering
- Two new books on energy harvesting interfaces published
- Two new project starts
- Second place at the Klee Prize 2022
- Prof. Anke Weidlich becomes a member of the Federal Government's Expert Commission on Energy Transition Monitoring
- THE-Ranking: The University of Freiburg has been named one of the top ten German universities
- Making CO2 usable - high-resolution neutron images show potential for improvement in CO2 electrolysis
- New international sustainability ranking: The University of Freiburg ranks third nationwide
- Young Scientists' Awards again go to scientists at the Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH)
- Meeting and networking together in Freiburg
- New professorship at the Faculty of Engineering strengthens Freiburg's position in the fields of embedded systems and digital health
- Review Article on the Cover of Nature Reviews Materials
- Wolfgang-Gentner Young Scientist Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
- Leading Swiss laboratory equipment manufacturer Hamilton Bonaduz AG buys Freiburg-based microfluidic technology company BioFluidix GmbH
- Sustainability Talks 2022/23
- CHE Ranking 2022 for Master's degree programs: University of Freiburg in the top group for electrical and information engineering and psychology
- Awarded Editor´s Choice
- SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors
- Promoting young research talents and sustainable technologies
- „Wilde“ Christmas Lecture
- Neuronal activities in the sensorimotor cortex
- Brain phantom for epilepsy treatment
- Lester F. Eastman Award for Prof. Ambacher
- Spin-off nominated as high potential start-up
- Merry X-mas
- Digital Health Research Night on 31.01.2023
- Putin's army of trolls
- Alumni Award of the Faculty of Engineering
- First ECOSENSE seminar
- The robots are starting again
- The uptake of bacteria in cells
- Nomination for the AI Newcomer Award
- Actome GmbH nominated as high potential startup by the European Innovation Council (EIC)
- Ready, steady, go!
- Well done students!
- NFDI4Energy successfully started
- Sustainable heating of Multifamily Houses
- University of Freiburg establishes Eva Mayr-Stihl Chair for Multi-Scale Characterization of Materials Systems
- New Research Project
- Postdoc at IMTEK receives GAMM doctoral award
- 2.5 million euros in funding for hydrogen innovations
- MBMV 2023 at the Faculty of Engineering
- Innovation Driver Microelectronics
- Next steps for nanopore technology
- IMTEK researcher wins Best Paper Award
- Journal of Neuroscience: Art Work asTitle Page
- Function follows Form in Neuronal Networks
- Freiburg researcher at the Department of Computer Science receives the AI Newcomer Award
- Südwestmetall Award for IMTEK Scientist
- Tenure-track professorship for Soft Machines established at the Department of Microsystems Engineering
- Highly conformable implants for neural applications
- New strategy for clinically relevant protein sequencing
- The new Collaborative Research Centre "Small Data"
- Remanufacturing: Better than new!
- Digital Health Research Night on 28.06.2023
- Project BioFINE to improve bionic prostheses
- Machine quality assurance for software
- Robots that navigate and interact with AI
- Researchers at the Department of Computer Science win Best Paper Award
- Data Wonderland
- Future anode material for lithium-ion batteries?
- The Faculty of Engineering presents itself
- New Tenure-Track Professor Taking Over the Sensors Laboratory at the Department of Microsystems Engineering
- Obituary
- Personal View in Lancet Infectious Diseases
- Mind Art Technology
- Prof. Bastian Rapp in interview
- Prof. Frank Balle in interview
- Atom Probe Tomography
- Prof. Edoardo Milana in interview
- First workshop BioNT
- Research team at the University of Freiburg reveals hidden particle interactions at the cell surface
- Prof. Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin in interview
- Data Wonderland - An interactive festival
- Apl. Prof. Felix von Stetten in interview
- Freiburg’s potentiostat on the cover of Analytical Chemistry
- Prof. Hans Zappe in interview
- More stable stance through bone anchoring
- Awards at the Department of Computer Science
- All-in-one
- Prof. Alwin Daus in interview
- ionysis GmbH wins f-cell award 2023, category "start up"
- New Dean at the Faculty of Engineering: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Balle
- Celebrating 10 years of empowering women
- Let's science
- H. Ceren Ates honored with Women Interactive Materials Award
- Stage free for the Faculty of Engineering
- Wolfgang-Gentner-Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
- Environmental Technology Award Baden-Württemberg 2023
- Eva Mayr-Stihl and Robert Mayr young talent awards
- MikroSystemTechnik Congress 2023
- BMT at the Science Days 2023
- This year's Wolfgang Gentner Young Investigator Award goes to Dr. Maria Kalweit, Department of Computer Science
- Successful placement in the 2023 COSIMA competition
- Pure woman power
- Soft robotics and sensor technology
- German Physical Society honors physicist at INATECH
- Björn Grüning, Department of Computer Science, is one of the most-cited researchers in the world
- Intelligent Embedded Systems
- Renewable Energy Day Freiburg
- Black Forest Nanopore Meeting 2023
- ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Dr. Oliver Höhn at the University of Freiburg
- Containing the risks of new technologies without hampering innovation
- Sustainable solutions for a green future
- Christmas Lecture 2023
- Season’s Greetings
- The next generation of AI algorithms for automated driving
- Wearable Computing and Digital Twins
- Digital Health Research Night on 31.01.2024
- Prof. Amft in an interview with the Badische Zeitung
- System Design Projekt 2024: Meet the robots!
- The call of the Black Forest
- Outstanding students honoured
- Harvesting the Skies With Flying Wind Farms
- European Galaxy Server in Freiburg
- The robots have captured our hearts
- Genetic blueprints of 51 animal species decoded
- Analysis and mobilisation of publicly available SARS-CoV-2 data to combat the pandemic
- ELIZA Master’s Scholarship
- It's International Women's Day on March 8th!
- Prof. Andreas Podelski erhält 1,15 Millionen Euro
- How surface roughness influences the adhesion of soft materials
- Finissage of the campaign „womenSHAPINGknowledge“
- Women SHAPING Knowledge: Jasmin-Clara Bürger
- Women SHAPING Knowledge: Sonia Dsoke
- Women SHAPING Knowledge: Gresa Shala
- "Was geht?" How’s it going?
- ECOSENSE research project
- IMTEK is successfully represented at microTEC Cluster Conference 2024
- Women SHAPING Knowledge: Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin
- SV-COMP competition
- Humboldt Grant at the University of Oxford for Jasmin-Clara Bürger
- Graduation ceremony 2024 at the Faculty of Engineering
- Freiburg scientist publishes in Nature Reviews Methods Primers
- First Startup BBQ at the Faculty of Engineering
- Write a review...
- Intelligenz zum Anfassen
- Revisiting Protein Lattice Models in the Era of Quantum Computing
- Exclusive company tour at Bosch Sensortec
- Käpsele Innovation Festival
- Informatica feminale at the Faculty of Engineering
- Digital Health Research Night on 3rd July, 2024
- ZSB@Campus
- First Startup BBQ at the Faculty
- LIMITS 2024
- Informatica feminale Baden Württemberg
- Strengthening international cooperation
- SENSOR+TEST trade fair in Nuremberg
- Company excursion to Bosch
- Day of the Faculty 12.07.2024
- Renewable Energy Day Freiburg 2024
- Thoughts on mind reading with neurotechnical implants
- Ask Us Anything about Galaxy
- Milestone reached: access 400 tutorials about data analysis for free
- Prof. Dr. Armin Biere receives the Herbrand Award
- Next date: Was geht? How's it going?
- Graduation Ceremony Master's students and PhDs
- Käpsele Innovation Festival 2024
- Successful spin-off from micro-optics at IMTEK achieves great success
- Award at the Department of Computer Science
- Faculty party 2024
- Prof. Thomas Stieglitz on Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI)
- Sponsorship award from the Foundation for Energy Informatics
- Alpine Verification Meeting
- Our new Instagram channel
- Glassomer: Innovation meets luxury at Boucheron
- Faculty of Engineering welcomes new Bachelor's and Master's students
- Milestone for the Faculty of Engineering
- A successful start
- Kissat triumphs in the SAT 2024 competition
- Bertha-Ottenstein Prize for Gender Equality and Diversity Awarded to kite mentoring
- Meeting of expert group of micromedical technology
- Award for Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schiffmacher and Sebastián Rivero Equiza in the field of sustainable energy engineering
- Exclusive company tour at Bosch Research
- Smarte Krankentrage LAMBDA revolutioniert die Notfallmedizin
- Digital Health Research Night on 29th January, 2025
- PhotonMed: 32-million-euro project to accelerate innovation in medical technology
- Oana Cojocaru-Mirédin, INATECH, receives ERC Consolidator Grant
- Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
- Faculty of Engineering Alumni Prize 2024 awarded
- Winter excursion to the Black Forest
- Excitement and Innovation at the System Design Project Robotics Competition
- Practice meets Theory: Focus on Innovative Sensor Technology
- Invitation to the graduation ceremony
- New Deep Learning Cluster at the University of Freiburg
- ZwickRoell roadshow truck at the Faculty of Engineering
- New image brochure of the Faculty of Engineering
- Department of Computer Science
Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK
- MEMS Applications
- Assembly and Packaging Technology
- Bio- and Nanophotonics
- Biomedical Microtechnology
- Biomicrotechnology
- Chemistry and Physics of Interfaces
- Electrical Instrumentation and Embedded Systems
- Microelectronics
- Thin-film Gas Sensors
- Georg H. Endress Chair for Smart Systems Integration
- Design of Microsystems
- Microsystem Materials
- Microsystems for Biomedical Imaging Laboratory
- Microactuators
- Gisela and Erwin Sick Chair of Micro-optics
- Micro & Materials Mechanics
- Modeling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits
- Nanotechnology
- Optical Systems
- Optoelectronics
- Process Technology
- Sensors
- Simulation
- Compound Semiconductor Microsystems
- Materials Processing Technology
- ElectroActive Coatings
- Polymer Synthesis and Surface Engineering
- Bioinspired Materials for Biomedical Engineering
- Disposable Microsystems
- Clean Room Service Center
- Mechanical Micro-Production Service Center
Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering - INATECH
- Photovoltaic Energyconversion
- Sustainable Systems Engineering
- Power Electronics
- Monitoring of Large-Scale Structures
- Control and Integration of Grids
- Solar Energy Systems
- Power Ultrasonics and Engineering of Functional Materials
- Resilience Engineering
- Energy-Efficient High Frequency Electronics
- Multi-Scale Characterization of Materials Systems