Guest lecture by Prof. Wereley

On April 13 at 11:15 Prof. Wereley will give a guest lecture on "Flow Diagnostics for Micro/Nano Device Characterization" (building 101, 2nd floor)



Flow Diagnostics for Micro/Nano Device Characterization
Steve Wereley, Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University

Flows in microscopic domains are found in many places such as biomedical microdevices (Bio-MEMS), inkjet printer heads, microchannel networks, and micropropulsion systems.  To date, the development of many of these devices has greatly exceeded our ability to analyze their details. Because microscopic flows frequently display counter-intuitive behavior due to the different dominating forces at microscopic length scales, flow experiments are essential when designing a new micro or nano device. Notwithstanding a few notable exceptions, diagnostic tools for microfluidics applications are largely in their infancy. In recent work, we have sought to remedy this oversight by developing micron- and sub-micron spatial resolution flow diagnostics. One of the most promising techniques developed in the last several years is micro particle image velocimetry (mPIV) which measures the velocity of a flow by tracking the motion of sub-micron tracer particles carried by the flow.  To measure high velocity, small length scale flows, high speed lasers and interline transfer CCDs are used in conjunction with a microscope to image the tracer particles with sub-microsecond temporal resolution. The application of this technique to several typical micro systems will be presented and the results discussed.  Recent trends in mPIV have allowed the spatial resolution of the technique to be increased such that even sub-micron domains can be measured in a spatially resolved manner.


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