"What do you want, new hand?"

What does microsystems engineering look like in the future and how will it change our lives? Reading of a science fiction story by Thomas Stieglitz



As part of the 15th anniversary of microTEC Südwest, a short story volume has been created in which members of the association have contributed as science fiction authors. In his short story "What do you want, new hand?" Thomas Stieglitz, Professor for Biomedical Microtechnology, dealt with the experiences of a prothesis wearer in the future and describes both the possible advantages of innovative "intelligent prostheses"and fictional exciting side effects. The "Tales of Science - Zukunftsgeschichten aus der Mikrosystemtechnik" are now available as a book, and Thomas Stieglitz has also recorded a reading of his short story. The reading can be seen from Sunday, December 13th, 2020 under the following link:



Stieglitz, T.: Was willst du, neue Hand? In: Labisch, M., Neuy, C. (eds.) Tales of Science - Zukunftsgeschichten aus der Mikrosystemtechnik. Ausser der Reihe, Band 50. Winnert: p.machinery Michael Haitel, pp. 134-140 (2020). ISBN 978 3 95765 186 0





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