Department of Microsystems Engineering - IMTEK

Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう。 크리스마스 잘 보내세요 priecīgus Ziemassvētkus Linksmų Kalėdų Среќен Божиќ God Jul Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia Feliz Natal Crăciun fericit Срећан Божић Veselé Vianoce vesel bôžič Sawadee Pee Mai Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun З Різдвом Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket کرسمس مبارک chúc mừng Giáng sinh

Bilder aus der Nanowelt Bilder aus der Nanowelt

Prämierter Vortrag und Top-Platzierung beim Fotowettbewerb auf dem Workshop „Funktionelle Nanostrukturen“ der Baden-Württemberg Stiftung für Matthias Breitwieser, Lukas Zielke und Severin Vierrath

Energy of the future Energy of the future

"f-cell award – award for innovative fuel cell technology" for researchers of the Lab for MEMS Applications and Hahn-Schickard - for the second time in succession

FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez FRIAS Junior Fellowship for Dr. Juan Ordonez

Ordonez, Group Leader at the Biomedical Microtechnology Lab, was appointed as Junior Research Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS). His research proposal “A novel mechanical model for safe electrical stimulation” targets a fundamental and innovative reliability model for implantable thin-film electrodes under electrochemical loads.

Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics Thousands of Droplets for Diagnostics

Researchers develop new method enabling DNA molecules to be counted in just 30 minutes: A team of scientists including PhD student Friedrich Schuler from the Laboratory of MEMS Applications at IMTEK has developed a method for dividing a DNA sample into thousands of tiny droplets.

Long Night of Sciences, July 24, 2015 Long Night of Sciences, July 24, 2015

In celebration of their 20th anniversary the Faculty of Engineering and its institutes of Computer Science and Microsystems Engineering are holding a “Long Night of Sciences”.

Micro-optics sponsors German-Chinese optics symposium Micro-optics sponsors German-Chinese optics symposium

The Gisela and Erwin Sick Laboratory for Micro-optics together with the State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics at Jilin University in China will hold a joint “Sino-German Workshop on Photonic Manufacturing, Manipulation and Measurement”.

Research Building for Brain-Machine Interfaces Research Building for Brain-Machine Interfaces

The Science Council has given the University of Freiburg’s proposal for a new research building for the “Freiburg Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology” (IMBIT) an outstanding evaluation and has recommended the project for funding. The State of Baden-Württemberg and the University of Freiburg have agreed to provide 36.77 million euros for the new research building together with the federal government as part of the program “Research Buildings at Universities.”

The Engineered Eyeball on ARTE The Engineered Eyeball on ARTE

The Engineered Eyeball, developed by the Gisela and Erwin Sick Laboratory for Micro-optics, was featured in the popular science television show X:enius, seen Europe-wide on ARTE in April.

Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship Christoph Rüchardt Scholarship

For the winter term 2014/15 and the summer term 2015, the Master students Gazmend Alia, Yannick Folwill, Oksana Kutkina, Gabriel Kalweit und Jonas Weber have been granted a Christoph Rüchardt scholarship. On 30 January they received their scholarship certificates in presence of Prof. Dr. Christoph Rüchardt, former Rector of the University of Freiburg. The Christoph Rüchardt scholarships are granted every year for excellent performance.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう。 크리스마스 잘 보내세요 priecīgus Ziemassvētkus Linksmų Kalėdų Среќен Божиќ God Jul Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia Feliz Natal Crăciun fericit Срећан Божић Veselé Vianoce vesel bôžič Sawadee Pee Mai Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun З Різдвом Kellemes Karacsonyiunnepeket کرسمس مبارک chúc mừng Giáng sinh

Self-Shedding Surfaces Self-Shedding Surfaces

What to do when functional surfaces fail? When catheters become contaminated with microorganisms or sensors no longer react? Until now, the answer was: remove and replace. The chemist Dr. Karen Lienkamp has received a 1.49 million euros Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to develop an alternative approach. In the future, medical devices or sensors made from functional polymers may be able to “shed” their surface when they are exhausted, allowing them to regenerate and be reused.

Wolfgang-Gentner-Award 2014 for Young Researchers Wolfgang-Gentner-Award 2014 for Young Researchers

Dr. Andreas Menzel (Department of Microsystems Engineering) and Dr. Matthias Sauer (Department of Computer Science) were awarded the Wolfgang-Gentner-Award for Young Researchers 2014 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2014/15.

New Dean Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen New Dean Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen

On October 1st, 2014, Prof. Dr. Georg Lausen, Chair of Databases and Information Systems, Department of Computer Science, will become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his precursor Prof. Dr. Yiannos Manoli, Department of Microsystems Engineering.

New Dean Prof. Yiannos Manoli New Dean Prof. Yiannos Manoli

On October 1st, 2012, Prof. Dr. Yiannos Manoli, Fritz Huettinger Chair of Microelectronics, Department of Microsystems Engineering, will become Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He takes over the office from his precursor Prof. Dr. Bernd Becker, Department of Computer Science.

VDI Sponsorship Award 2013 VDI Sponsorship Award 2013

Mrs. Natalie Muller (Department of Microsystems Engineering) and Mr. Milad Miladi (Department of Computer Science) were awarded the VDI Sponsorship Award 2013 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2013/14.

VDI Sponsorship Award 2014 VDI Sponsorship Award 2014

Mr. Lucas Spohn (Department of Microsystems Engineering) and Mr. Nikolaus Mayer (Department of Computer Science) were awarded the VDI Sponsorship Award 2014 by the President of the University of Freiburg Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jochen Schiewer during the opening ceremony of the academic year 2014/15.

New at the Faculty New at the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Kristof Van Laerhoven has been appointed as a Professor in Embedded Systems

Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses Innovation Award for Adaptive Lenses

A novel concept for adaptive lenses by Matthias Wapler from the Laboratory for Microactuators presented at the ISOT 2014 has been recognized with the “Innovation in Optomechatronic Research Award”

Electricity from Waste Water Electricity from Waste Water

Joana Danzer has received first prize in the category "science" at this year's F-Cell Awards for a new fuel-cell technology that harnesses energy from bacteria filtered out of waste water.

Well done! Well done!

The Faculty of Engineering congratulates the football team for the worldcup 2014!

Alumni Award 2014 Alumni Award 2014

The students Matthias Breitwieser (MSc Mikrosystemtechnik) and Daniel Leinfelder (MSc Computer Science) receive the Alumni Award 2014.

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