Making CO2 usable - high-resolution neutron images show potential for improvement in CO2 electrolysis
A team from the junior research group "Electrochemical Energy Systems" at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg was able to use high-resolution neutron ...
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New international sustainability ranking: The University of Freiburg ranks third nationwide
The University of Freiburg demonstrates convincing commitment to sustainability in strategy, research, education and knowledge transfer
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Meeting and networking together in Freiburg
The Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg welcomes the committee members of the ...
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New professorship at the Faculty of Engineering strengthens Freiburg's position in the fields of embedded systems and digital health
Prof. Dr. Oliver Amft has accepted the call for the professorship of intelligent embedded systems at the Department of Computer Science at the University of ...
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Review Article on the Cover of Nature Reviews Materials
Recent review on “End-to-end design of wearable sensors” from the Junior Research Group “Disposable Microsystems” is highlighted on the cover of new Nature ...
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Wolfgang-Gentner Young Scientist Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
At the ceremonial opening of the Academic Year 2022/23 of the University of Freiburg on 19th October 2022, Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein awarded Dr. ...
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Leading Swiss laboratory equipment manufacturer Hamilton Bonaduz AG buys Freiburg-based microfluidic technology company BioFluidix GmbH
BioFluidix GmbH, a spin-off resulting from the cooperation between the Department of Microsystems Engineering and Hahn-Schickard, is now part of the Swiss ...
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Sustainability Talks 2022/23
From 08.11.2022 to 31.01.2023 the Interdisciplinary Lectures of the INATECH Sustainability Talks will take place both in presence and online.
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CHE Ranking 2022 for Master's degree programs: University of Freiburg in the top group for electrical and information engineering and psychology
Subjects in the engineering sciences and psychology were newly examined
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SARS-CoV-2 detection in 30 minutes using gene scissors
Research team from Freiburg led by microsystems engineer Dr. Can Dincer introduces a biosensor for the nucleic acid amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 ...
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