IMTEK Start-up Voxalytic builds microcoils for the analysis of small samples - some day these parts could improve energy management in smartphones
IMTEK Start-up Voxalytic builds microcoils for the analysis of small samples - some day these parts could improve energy management in smartphones
First meeting of the research college EnEff.Gebäude.2050 at INATECH
Open source platform offers analysis of large quantities of data for life sciences
Anke Weidlich (Professor of Control and Integration of Grids) and Hans-Martin Henning (Professor of Solar Energy Systems)
The foundation stone for the “Freiburg Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology” has been laid
Frohe Weihnachten Feliz Navidad Joyeux Noël Merry Christmas Buon Natale Schöni Wiehnacht Счастли́вого Рождества́ عِيدُ مِيلادٍ مَجِيد Boas Festas Весела Коледа 圣诞快乐 Sretan Bozic Veselé Vánoce Glædelig jul Zalig Kerstfeest Hyvää Joulua καλά Χριστούγεννα חג מולד שמח शुभ क्रिस्मस Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket Gleðileg jól Selamat Hari Natal クリスマスおめでとう
The Eva Mayr-Stihl Foundation funds research at the University of Freiburg’s Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering
At the Faculty of Engineering campus the Freiburg Institute for Machine-Brain Interfacing Technology is coming into being
We wish you a good start with your studies at the Faculty of Engineering. A new city, a new room, new people: you are entering an new phase in your life
The University of Freiburg ranks 82nd internationally in the Times Higher Education Ranking
The University of Freiburg has now opened a new robotics center as part of its Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, chair of the new Gips-Schüle-Professorship of Sustainable Engineering Systems and Junior Professor Dr. Matthias Kuhl, chair of the Junior-Professorship of Modelling and Design of Integrated Interface Circuits.
The University of Freiburg founded the new Institute of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) in October 2015 with the aim to connect teaching and research in the field of sustainable systems and to complete it with an engineering research facility for sustainability research.
With the “Master 2016” program, the University of Freiburg receives five new degree programs and expands three others
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