Antibiotic levels measurable in breath for first time
Freiburg researchers are testing a biosensor for personalized dosing of medications
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Unlocking human-like perception in self-driving vehicles
Freiburg computer scientists make an important step towards advancing perception in complex urban environments
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On the road to the prosthesis of the future
Researchers are developing coding that allows patients to feel and move more naturally
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Accurate to the decimeter
A new system should enable self-propelled cars to find their way better than with GPS
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A boost for artificial intelligence
How can a computer learn to generalize the knowledge contained in a huge dataset and to find solutions for complex problems on its own? This question is the ...
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All Eyes on the Mantis Shrimp
Scientists from the Department of Microsystems Engineering will illustrate the complicated optics of the eyes of the mantis shrimp in a presentation at the pet ...
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Buckling as a technical revolution
A planned Freiburg startup has improved micropumps and linked them up with microvalves
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Award-winning measuring technology at a nano scale
Joint research group of the University of Freiburg’s Department of Microsystems Engineering and the Humboldt University Berlin receives Helmholtz Prize
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ionysis GmbH – spin-off bringing hydrogen fuel cells to market maturity for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
A team from the “Electrochemical Energy Systems” research area at the Laboratory for MEMS Applications and Hahn-Schickard in Freiburg has just founded “ionysis ...
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Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
Announcing the Single-Cell Printer for documented isolation of cells in clonal cell line development
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