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Wearable Computing and Digital Twins
Inspiring inaugural lecture by Prof. Oliver Amft
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Personal View in Lancet Infectious Diseases
The Disposable Microsystems group is excited to announce its latest publication, a Personal View article, entitled “A three-level model for therapeutic drug ...
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The Faculty of Engineering mourns the death of Dr. Fritz Ruf
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Lester F. Eastman Award for Prof. Ambacher
Dec 19, 2022: Professor Ambacher has been awarded with the Lester F. Eastman Award for his pioneering and continuing research and development on high-power ...
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Spin-off nominated as high potential start-up
Dec 20, 2022. Actome GmbH, the spin-off of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Freiburg and Hahn-Schickard, has been nominated as a high potential ...
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System Design Projekt 2024: Meet the robots!
Who will be the fastest robot? Who will be honoured for the best design? And who will receive the prize for innovation?
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Sponsorship award from the Foundation for Energy Informatics
SSE students Johanna Adams and Sebastián Rivero Equiza were honored
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The call of the Black Forest
Trip for new Master’s students of SSE
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Wolfgang-Gentner-Award goes to scientist of the Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)
At the ceremony of the Opening of the Academic Year 2023/24 of the University of Freiburg on Oct 18, 2023, Rector Prof. Dr. Kerstin Krieglstein awarded Dr. ...
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