First International Day at the Faculty
200 students and staff have celebrated on Friday, November 20th, the first International Day at the Faculty of Engineering.
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First place in Automatic Machine Learning Challenge
Seven members of Dr. Frank Hutter's Automated Algorithm Design group and Prof. Martin Riedmiller's Machine Learning group won 1st place in the first phase of ...
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EUJO-LIMMS Dissemination Workshop, Oct. 25, 2013
IMTEK hosts the second dissemination workshop of the European-Japanese Project EUJO-LIMMS funded by the EU and the JSPS. EUJO-LIMMS is a cooperation project ...
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Colloquium of the Faculty of Engineering, June 13, 16:00 c.t. / Dr. Frank Hutter, Emmy Noether Research Group Lead
Title: "Modelling and Optimization of Empirical Algorithm Performance"
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Fakultätskolloquium am 31.01.2013 / Prof. Ulrich Hofmann, Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems, Universität Freiburg
Title: Missing Link(s) - challenges in interdisciplinary research towards brain machine interfacing
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Faculty Teaching Award 2014
Dr. Matthias Keller and Dr. Tobias Schubert receive the Faculty Teaching Award 2014.
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Electricity from Waste Water
Joana Danzer has received first prize in the category "science" at this year's F-Cell Awards for a new fuel-cell technology that harnesses energy from bacteria ...
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Ruling out errors in computer programs
Freiburg team winner of the 5. International Competition on Software Verificaton
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Adipose analysis on microfluidic chips
Platform works with minute quantities of liquid to grow cells and study their development
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Filmclips und Interaktion: Freiburger Forscher gestalten Theaterprojekt SUPERKÖRPER
Das Theater Freiburg hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Professoren, Wissenschaftlern und Unternehmern aus Freiburg und Basel das Projekt SUPERKÖRPER konzipiert, das am ...
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