Measuring the world
The Freiburg scientist Alexander Reiterer captures megastructures with a multi-sensor system (Video)
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Meeting the Demand for Specialists
With the “Master 2016” program, the University of Freiburg receives five new degree programs and expands three others
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Micro-Copier for Genome Analysis
New method holds promise to advance personalised medicine
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Molecular Devices and Cytena Partner to Launch the CloneSelect Single-Cell Printer
Announcing the Single-Cell Printer for documented isolation of cells in clonal cell line development
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Networks for the Future
European Research Council awards ERC Starting Grant worth 1.148 million euros to Fabian Kuhn
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New at the Faculty
Frank Balle take up professorship at the Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering
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New at the Faculty
Anke Weidlich (Professor of Control and Integration of Grids) and Hans-Martin Henning (Professor of Solar Energy Systems)
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New at the faculty
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hiermaier, chair of the new Gips-Schüle-Professorship of Sustainable Engineering Systems and Junior Professor Dr. Matthias Kuhl, chair of the ...
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New Training Platform for Big Data Analysis
The Galaxy Europe project has set up an infrastructure offering online tutorials for researchers in the life sciences
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New Vice President of Digital Transformation
Gerhard Schneider, Director of the IT Center of the University of Freiburg, takes up the post on 1st December 2018
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