Responsible artificial intelligence
Whether it’s self-driving cars, medical devices or other applications – intelligent systems, which can act autonomously and learn independently, are considered ...
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Robot Competition 2015 - the winners
The undergraduate students participate in a robot competition which is part of the "System Design Projekt"
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Ruling out errors in computer programs
Freiburg team winner of the 5. International Competition on Software Verificaton
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Saving lives and money
SpinDiag’s technology detects antibiotic resistance in just 30 minutes - and gives germs less time to spread
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Scientific Infrastructure for Virus Research
Data and analyses relating to SARS-CoV-2 are available on the University of Freiburg’s Galaxy platform
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Self-Shedding Surfaces
What to do when functional surfaces fail? When catheters become contaminated with microorganisms or sensors no longer react? Until now, the answer was: remove ...
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Senate Elects Two New Vice Rectors
The Senate of the University of Freiburg has elected two new part-time vice rectors: Gisela Riescher (Faculty of Humanities) will be responsable for academic ...
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Small pumps, high performance
Freiburg startup receives around one million Euro under the EXIST Transfer of Research program
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Smart ways to save energy
Frederik Kotz has developed a new procedure for shaping glass at room temperature
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Soft Probing with Optical Tweezers
Freiburg researchers have developed a method for measuring soft, structured surfaces using optical forces
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