Faculty party 2024
Great entertainment despite the mixed weather
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Faculty Teaching Award 2014
Dr. Matthias Keller and Dr. Tobias Schubert receive the Faculty Teaching Award 2014.
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Fakultätskolloquium am 31.01.2013 / Prof. Ulrich Hofmann, Peter-Osypka-Professor for Neuroelectronic Systems, Universität Freiburg
Title: Missing Link(s) - challenges in interdisciplinary research towards brain machine interfacing
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Family Trees for Virus
Prof. Dr. Rolf Backofen researches virus families using methods from bioinformatics. He explains why the Covid-19 vaccine can’t make sterile (Video).
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Faster and more effective scene understanding
New deep learning research breaks records in image recognition ability of self-driving cars
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Finissage of the campaign „womenSHAPINGknowledge“
But the Faculty of Engineering keeps track with 4 more inspiring women
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First International Day at the Faculty
200 students and staff have celebrated on Friday, November 20th, the first International Day at the Faculty of Engineering.
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First place in Automatic Machine Learning Challenge
Seven members of Dr. Frank Hutter's Automated Algorithm Design group and Prof. Martin Riedmiller's Machine Learning group won 1st place in the first phase of ...
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First Startup BBQ at the Faculty of Engineering
Meet Founders & Connect
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First Startup BBQ at the Faculty
Great atmosphere at the livMatS Shell
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